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She lived at the corner of the Rue aux Nonnes, in the turret which is still to be seen there, and which formed part of an old half-ruined mansion looking on to the garden of the Ursuline nuns. On that turret can still be traced certain figures and half-obliterated inscriptions. The late curé of St.

He had said so the day before yesterday, in the train, when within an hour of Paris. Indeed he had added that one of the first things they must do the next day must be to call at the English bank where he kept an account. She now told herself that she had to face the possibility, nay the probability, that her husband had met with some serious accident on his way to the Impasse des Nonnes.

From Damasce, men comen azen, be oure Lady of Sardenak, that is a 5 myle on this half Damasce; and it is sytt upon a roche, and it is a fulle faire place, and it semethe a castelle; for there was wont to ben a castelle; but it is now a fulle faire chirche. And there with inne, ben monkes and nonnes Cristene.

Quite a number of such comfortable English folk were now looking forward to going and seeing Nancy Dampier in her new home of which the very address was quaint and unusual, for Dampier's studio was situated Impasse des Nonnes. They were now speeding under and across the vast embracing shadow of the Opera House. And again Dampier slipped his arm round his young wife.

But Catherine Fontaine knew well every single stone she stepped on, and, as she could have found her way to the church with her eyes shut, she reached without difficulty the corner of the Rue aux Nonnes and the Rue de la Paroisse, where the timbered house stands with the tree of Jesse carved on one of its massive beams.

"English subject; living in Impasse des Nonnes. I have an impression that we have had that name before us during the last week or so Have you any recollection of it?" He put the tube to his ear. And then the American Senator, looking at the Paris Prefect of Police, was struck by a sudden change which came over the listener's face.

He nettles him to flaunt his courage; and the man's nobler mind is expressed in his exclamation: "Des chevaliers de ma patrie L'honneur toujours fut le soutien! "And finally, to crown the work, the theme comes in which sounded the note of fatality at the beginning. Thus, the leading strain, the magnificent call to the deed: "Nonnes qui reposez sous cette froide pierre, M'entendez-vous?

That the cabman was evidently familiar with the odd address, "Impasse des Nonnes," brought a measure of relief to Senator Burton's mind, and as he turned and gazed into the candid eyes of the girl sitting by his side he was ashamed of his vague suspicions.

Arnold must change the measure, Chaucer's "Nonnes Preestes Tale" would have been a safer guide to follow. The book, in spite of its American title-page, is wholly of English manufacture. It is a very handsome volume, and Kaulbach's illustrations are copied with tolerable success, though with inevitable inferiority to the German originals.

It is certain the Tale of the Nonnes Priest was written after the Insurrection of Jack Straw and Wat Tyler. The Flower and the Leaf was written by him in the Prologue to the Legend of Gode Women. Chaucer's ABC, called la Priere de nostre Damê, was written for the use of the duchess Blaunch.