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The Court of Chancery was bad enough, but the whole ecclesiastical system with its vast prizes, its opportunities for corrupt patronage, its pluralism and non-residence was an evil on a larger scale. The Radical, therefore, unlike the Whig, was an internecine enemy of the whole system.

During these latter years of the eighteenth century, as for long before and after, pluralism in the Church was rather the rule than the exception, and in consequence non-residence was recognised as inevitable, and hardly matter for comment.

"Without dwelling on the particular ill effects of non-residence in this case, I shall conclude with representing that principal and supreme prerogative which the Absentee foregoes the prerogative of mercy, of charity.

Were the treasury once full, no means remained of bringing the Crown to listen to their protest against the abuses of the Church, the silencing of godly ministers, the maintenance of pluralities and non-residence, the want of due training for the clergy. Nor had the Commons any mind to pass in silence over the illegalities of the preceding years.

A mower was not to be had for less than a shilling a day with his food, and a chaplain, formerly glad to receive two marks and his board, demanded ten pounds, or ten marks at the least. Non-residence, neglect of cures, and other evils followed. As Langland wrote:

In discussing the proximate cause deciding the rate of wages, he lays down as his third proposition, that "It is inconsistent with the prevalent opinion, that the non-residence of landlords, funded proprietors, mortgagees, and other unproductive consumers can be detrimental to the labouring inhabitants of a country which does not export raw produce." Mr. Senior here affirms Mr.

The disuse of preaching, the decline of the monastic orders into rich landowners, the non-residence and ignorance of the parish priests, lowered the religious influence of the clergy. The abuses of the time foiled even the energy of such men as Bishop Grosseteste of Lincoln.

But dispensations, either for non-residence or for the violation of any other provision of the act, were made penal in a high degree, whether obtained from the bishops or from the court of Rome. These bills struck hard and struck home. Yet even persons who most disapprove of the Reformation will not at the present time either wonder at their enactment or complain of their severity.

I do not, by any means, conceive the crying sin of the Clergy in this kingdom, to be that of non-residence.

The Affairs of Ireland. Condition of the Irish Parliament. The Octennial Bill. The Penal Laws. Non-residence of the Lord- lieutenant. Influence of the American War on Ireland. Enrolment of the Volunteers. Concession of all the Demands of Ireland. Violence of the Volunteers. Their Convention. Violence of the Opposition in Parliament: Mr. Brownlow, Mr. Grattan, Mr. Flood. Pitt's Propositions Fail.