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Now if we kill practically all of the Stegomyia so that these children do not have this fever there will be developed, in due time, a population most of whom are non-immune. This freedom from the disease for some time will allow us to grow careless in regard to fighting the mosquitoes.

In this room a non-immune exposed himself so that he was bitten by several of the insects. A little later the same day and again the next day the mosquitoes were allowed to feed on him for a few minutes. Five days later, the usual incubation period, he developed yellow fever.

These cattle are almost always infected with ticks, and when taken north where the ticks do not occur naturally and where the cattle are therefore non-immune, some of the mature ticks drop to the ground and lay their eggs which in a few weeks hatch out and are ready to infect any animal that passes by. The northern cattle not being used to the disease soon sicken and die.

It was also shown that a mosquito was capable of communicating the disease as long as fifty-seven days after it had bitten a yellow fever patient. Another set of experiments showed that a subcutaneous injection into a non-immune of a very small quantity of blood from the veins of a yellow fever patient in the first two or three days of the disease would produce the fever.

One interesting special thing that the French Commission seems to have established is that the female may transmit the infecting power to her offspring, so that it would be possible for a mosquito that had never bitten a yellow fever patient to be capable of infecting a non-immune person.

In many cases, their children were mutants not monsters, although there were many of them, too, which did not survive but humans who were immune to radioactivity." "An interesting theory, Kradzy Zago," the soldier commented. "And one which conforms both to what we know of atomic energy and to the ancient legends. Then you would say that those radiations are still deadly to the non-immune?"

In some of these various species of Stegomyia are abundant, and in some Stegomyia calopus is the most abundant and troublesome form. All the natives of these islands are non-immune because there has never been any yellow fever there. Unless extraordinary care is taken the disease will be introduced there sooner or later and the results are sure to be most appalling.

We know now, however, that there must have been errors in his experiments and that his patients became infected from sources other than those he was dealing with. The Yellow Fever Commission decided to put this theory to the test and secured a number of volunteers for the experiments. The first thing was to let an infected mosquito bite some non-immune person.