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She had been bothered by him ever since dinner dinner at night at the Cactus House, which was inclined to be Eastern and effete in its apings but his persecutions there had been confined to lurking, contrived meetings, and long glances which touched her noisomely. Once she had swept the hotel office with a desperate glance, trying to select a face to which she might appeal. There wasn't one.

You'll do well to follow my advice and go to New York and look about you." "I'll I'll think of it," stammered she. And she did think of it. But in all her life she had never considered the idea of money-making. That was something for men, and for the middle and lower classes while Hanging Rock was regarded as most noisomely middle class by fashionable people, it did not so regard itself.

We wore them buckled to the waist upon a cricket belt, and over them, such was the rigour of the game, a buttoned top-coat. They smelled noisomely of blistered tin; they never burned aright, though they would always burn our fingers; their use was naught; the pleasure of them merely fanciful; and yet a boy with a bull's-eye under his top-coat asked for nothing more.

Nothing therein was washed, and the savor of Professor No No and his camp blew noisomely across the taboo line as one walked to leeward. One day, after spying out that he had already sailed out for more fish to look at through bits of glass, Salesa crept into the settlement and began to make it clean again.

Now the coils were sagging: mostly melted. There were places where re-solidified metal smoked noisomely against nonmetallic floor or wall-covering. Engineers labored doggedly in the trivial gravity to clean up the mess. "It's past repair," said Baird, to the ship's first engineer. "It's junk," said that individual dourly.

The thing was so well known that it had worn a rut in the commerce of Great Britain; and the grocers, about the due time, began to garnish their windows with our particular brand of luminary. We wore them buckled to the waist upon a cricket belt, and over them, such was the rigor of the game, a buttoned top-coat. They smelled noisomely of blistered tin.

They smelled noisomely of blistered tin; they never burned aright, though they would always burn our fingers; their use was naught; the pleasure of them merely fanciful; and yet a boy with a bull's-eye under his top-coat asked for nothing more.

If a man is malignant or unreliable or mean or selfish, the savour of his fault has a way of noisomely imbuing all his qualities, especially if he is not aware of the deficiency. If a man is humbly and sadly aware of the thing that is vile, if he makes clumsy and lamentable attempts to get rid of it, one may pity him so much that one may almost find oneself admiring him.

We wore them buckled to the waist upon a cricket belt, and over them, such was the rigour of the game, a buttoned top-coat. They smelled noisomely of blistered tin; they never burned aright, though they would always burn our fingers; their use was naught; the pleasure of them merely fanciful; and yet a boy with a bull's-eye under his top-coat asked for nothing more.