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Messer Luigi mio, di noi che fia Che sian restati senza il nostro sole? seems to have taken Michelangelo's fancy. Many good pens in Italy poured forth laments on this occasion. We have verses written by Giovanni Aldobrandini, Carlo Gondi, Fra Paolo del Rosso, and Anton Francesco Grazzini, called Il Lasca. Not the least touching is Luigi's own threnody, which starts upon this note:

I said I did not know, but we could try a dog and see. So he sent out an aide-de-camp to give the order to add the dog. They formed in line of battle, and recited, one at a time, thus: "IO HO UN CANE, I have a dog." "TU HAI UN CANE, thou hast a dog." "EGLI HA UN CANE, he has a dog." "NOI ABBIAMO UN CANE, we have a dog." "VOI AVETE UN CANE, you have a dog." "EGLINO HANNO UN CANE, they have a dog."

The paladins all marched in that is to say, they were handed over and hooked up in two rows, the audience recognizing each, and saying his name as he took his place, and Carlo Magna came and addressed them in a magnificent speech beginning "Paladini! noi siamo stanchi."

Marillac, on the contrary, was grateful to his friend for this indifference of execution, for he saw in it an occasion to shine at his expense. He began his solo 'E il ciel per noi sereno, with an unusual tension of the larynx, roaring out his low notes. Except for the extension being a little irregular and unconnected, he did not acquit himself very badly in the first part.

But in the clouds, at the top of the piece, are represented the three Graces, with this just sentence written over them, 'Senza di noi ogni fatica e vana', that is, "Without us, all labor is vain."

But in the clouds, at the top of the piece, are represented the three Graces, with this just sentence written over them, 'Senza di noi ogni fatica e vana', that is, "Without us, all labor is vain."

Come, give me a little music, will you? Play me something from Verdi " And he began to hum in his bass voice, slightly out of tune, snatches from the air: "Parigi o cara, noi lasceremo." We passed a charming evening together, what with conversation, music, and cards. He won three francs of me at piquet, with a ridiculous display of triumph. About twelve o'clock I took him to his bedroom.

But it is not from the laughers alone that the philosophy of history is to be learned. And he who approaches this subject should carefully guard against the influence of that potent ridicule which has already misled so many excellent writers. Ecco il fonte del riso, ed ecco il rio Che mortali perigli in se contiene Hor qui tener a fren nostro desio, Ed esser cauti molto a noi conviene.

Ira noi finor nudriro un branco irato D'Orsi e di lupi, il malaccorto amico Ti svenava un fellon sgherro mendico, E per cauto timor n'era onorato. Al primiero spuntar d'un fausto lume Tutto cangiò: curvansi in falci i teh, Mille Pluto perdè vittime usate. Viva l'Eroe, il comun padre, il nume Gridan le gentè a si bei ferbate. E sia ché ardisca dir che siam crudelé. Imitation.

There is a Harbour which since the Creation was never capable of receiving a Lighter, yet by another Miracle the King of France was to ride there with a vast Fleet of Ships, and to land a hundred thousand Men. Bel. This is a swinging Wonder but are there store of Mad-men there, Sir? Bea. That's another Rarity to see a Man run out of his Wits. Noi. Marry, Sir, the wiser they I say. Bea.