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As a result thar's probably one more Yank than otherwise; an' now that peace is yere an' we-all is earnestly settlin' to be brothers No'th and South, I regyards that extra Yank as a advantage. Shore, he's a commoonal asset. "'Tell us how you fails to c'llect this Yankee, Major, says Faro Nell: 'which I'm plumb interested every time that some one don't get killed.

"David Ahmstrong was his entitlement," says George, "an' he been gwine to de same college as Marse Tom Buckner, up no'th somewhah. Dat's how-come he been visitin' Marse Tom des befoh de weddin' trouble done settle HIT se'f dat-away." Well, it give me quite a turn to run onto the mention of that there David Armstrong agin in this part of the country.

"The pace in Charlottesboag is pofectly killing, and we had to drop oat into a slow place like New York." "The progress in the South is material now," said the Colonel; "and those of us whose interests are in another direction find ourselves isolated isolated, sir. The intellectual centres are still in the No'th, sir; the great cities draw the mental activity of the country to them, sir.

There were some English friends of her father's, old blockade runners, who had taken shares, provided them with more capital, and imported some skilled laborers and a kind of steward or agent to represent them. But they were getting on, and perhaps it was better for their reputation with their neighbors that they had not been BEHOLDEN to the "No'th."

"Course we CAN! But it's like boxin' the whole compass backward to get ha'f a p'int east of no'th. It's way round Robin Hood's barn. It'll take twice as long and cost " "That's good," interrupted the Captain. "I like to travel, and I'm willin' to pay for it. Think of the view I'll get on the way." "But your permit from the selectmen " began Phinney. Berry held up his hand.

Don't you think it's a pretty colo'?" "It depends upon how it's used. Do you mean in neckties?" Beaton stole a glance at the one Fulkerson was wearing. Miss Woodburn laughed with her face bowed upon her wrist. "Ah do think you gentlemen in the No'th awe ten tahms as lahvely as the ladies." "Strange," said Beaton. "In the South Soath, excuse me!

The fair-hair straightens up with a snort, while the pot-openers begin to cuss sort o' growly. "Where are you from an' how long have you been making my business your own?" asked the fair-hair. "Oh, I come from up no'th a ways; but I ain't ever made your business mine. I never saw your outfit until twenty minutes ago but I've seen other outfits." "Can you handle cattle?" sez he.

The eating place was a good one, and Tom's predictions about their being taken for strangers was verified, for, no sooner had they given their orders than the pretty, white girl, who waited on the table remarked: "Ah reckon yo' all are from th' no'th; aren't yo'?" She smiled, as she spoke, and Tom smiled back as he acknowledged it. "Have you a paper a newspaper I could look at?" he asked.

We had observed that the water, like that of most streams that take their rise in swamps, had an amber tint to which the sand and clay background of the bed of the stream imparted an even yellower hue. "What did he do then, Julius?" asked my wife, who liked to hear the end of a story. "Well, Miss, he made up his min' den dat he wuz gwineter staht fer de No'th ag'in.

An' he eben 'lowed he mought 'suade 'em ter run erway wid 'im an' dey could all get ter de No'th, fer de nights wuz cl'ar now, an' he couldn' lose de No'th Stah. "So he waited two er th'ee days, an' sho' nuff long come Dasdy one mornin, comin' over to Mars Dugal's fer ter fetch some things fer her missis.