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Not a jot too resolute for this wicked world; but when ye come to a Madonna? No thank you." "Well I never. A resolute chin." Denys. "The darling!" "And now comes the rub. When you told me she was the way she is, it gave me a shock; I dropped my brushes. Was I going to turn a girl, that couldn't keep her lover at a distance, into the Virgin Mary, at my time of life? I love the poor ninny still.

Maybe, however, we have been exceptionally fortunate. At any rate, these are respectable enough." "Not the least doubt about that. But why don't he do something, that captain?" mourned Blix. "Why WILL he act like such a ninny?" "He's waiting for us to go," said Condy; "I'm sure of it. They'll never meet so long as we're here. Let's go and give 'em a chance.

"You chattering ape!" he said, growling like an angry bear, "another yawp like that, and I 'll blow a hole clean through you! Now, you French ninny, tell us what this means, an' be quick about it if ye want ter save yer hide!" De Croix did not answer, but he ceased to laugh, and panted as if the breath had been knocked out of him.

Ellen had a sort of acquiescent wonder over her aunt Eva in those days. She heard people say Eva was getting ready to be married, and speculated. "What is getting ready to be married?" she asked Eva. "Why, getting your clothes made, you little ninny," Eva answered. The next day Ellen had watched her mother at work upon a new little frock for herself for some time before she spoke.

‘Can he box, father?’ said Jasper, surveying me rather contemptuously. ‘I should think not, he looks so puny and small.’ ‘Hold your peace, fool!’ said the man; ‘he can do more than that—I tell you he’s fly: he carries a sap about, which would sting a ninny like you to dead.’

"I spy Ninny Moulin!" cried Rose-Pompon, interrupting the greengrocer, and pointing to the other side of the street. "How early abroad! What can he want with me?" and Rose wrapped herself still more closely and modestly in her cloak.

"Well, then, Miss Anville," said the Captain, turning to me, "do you and Molly go into another room, and stay there till Mrs. Duval has opened her mind to us." "So you may think, Sir," cried she, "but who's fool then? no, no, you needn't trouble yourself to make a ninny of me neither, for I'm not so easily taken in, I'll assure you."

And after brandy, taken in sufficient quantity, it says, "Now, come, fool, grin and tumble, that your fellow-men may laugh drivel in folly, and splutter in senseless sounds, and show what a helpless ninny is poor man whose wit and will are drowned, like kittens, side by side, in half an inch of alcohol." We are but the veriest, sorriest slaves of our stomach.

'I suppose I was an old ninny, but I did not like to hear him say this, my bairn, for I knew it could not be the truth; but he went on after a minute, "It is not easy to describe the face of a person one knows so well. I find it difficult to answer your question.

"You big ninny!" "We are at least three miles from your house, dear, and surrounded by deadly perils. Can you climb a tree?" "I can but I won't!" she refused flatly, her cheeks very red. "Then I fancy we'll have to keep on in this manner. It's a confounded shame the whole business. Just as I thought everything was going so smoothly, too.