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At Port Hudson, after the departure of the nine-months' troops, Andrews had the 6th Michigan newly converted into the 1st Michigan heavy artillery, ten troops of the 3d Massachusetts cavalry, Rawles's, Holcomb's, and Barnes's batteries; and besides these the infantry of the Corps d'Afrique, then in process of organization, including, at the end of August, the old 1st and 3d regiments and the five regiments of Ullmann's brigade the 6th to the 10th.

At last, a nine-months- old girl-baby was discovered who promised to resemble her foster- mother, and who had a "respectable heritage 'way back on both sides." It seemed most fortunate for both the little orphan and the hungering woman-this adoption. Charlotte spent much time in getting the little one outfitted and settled.

He was later taken to the hospital, where, after a nine-months' battle with the Grim Reaper hovering constantly over his bed, he at last regained some of his old-time health. But he will never again be on the firing line. Every man was now weary, sore and thirsty, and my only grateful recollection of that day's work was the O.C.'s command that we be given an extra ration of rum.

When you get things in train, I flatter myself you will not have any fixture trouble with them. But the officers of the regular troops must be rigorously dealt with, according to our martial law. As you and the commissary will be in the rear of the whole, the nine-months men, worse shod than the other troops, may serve till I have more leisure to complete your corps.

Something she said, but very sharp ears it needed to resolve the muffled sounds into the words, "Oh, dadda, I'm afraid that I care for him more than I thought." "What!" for a third time demanded Mr. Meredith. "'T is not possible I hear ye aright, girl. Why, a nine-months ago ye were beseeching me, with your arms about my neck, to fulfil my word to Phil."

At the close of July, in response to Banks's urgent appeals for more troops to replace the nine-months' men, Halleck ordered Grant to send down a corps of 10,000 or 12,000 men. Accordingly, between the 10th and 26th of August, Grant sent the reorganized Thirteenth Corps to Carrollton.

He didn't seem to see it; but he made a good speech, and the editor of the "Bugle" rose to read the resolutions, commencin' as follers: RESOLVED, That we view with anxiety the fact that there is now a war goin' on, and RESOLVED, That we believe Stonewall Jackson sympathizes with the secession movement, and that we hope the nine-months men

You said, you know, it was all up with it " "Up? up? so it is! That is, it won't break it up, you know. Why oh, I see where the mistake is it isn't all over, you know, seeing how the society can live through a score of nine-months scandals. But the thing's in every vulgar fellow's lips that is the worst of it." Mrs.

I am your most obedient servant, RICHARD PLATT, Aid-de-camp. TO GENERAL McDOUGALL. White Plains, January 29th, 1779. I had this day the favour of yours by Lieutenant Rost. The same gentleman brought me a re-enforcement of thirty-nine privates, and a proportion of officers. This enables me to send to camp a few of the worst provided of the nine-months men.

A good captain, and twenty picked men, of Nixon's, with two drums, accompany this, to re-enforce your left, and the orders are despatched to Major Pawling for the officers you wrote for. One hundred pair of shoes will be sent to you by this snow. Send up all Burgoyne's men, with a good corporal and small party of the nine-months men, with the first deserters or prisoners.