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I believe that some animals love their masters, but I doubt very much if their affection is the outcome of gratitude a characteristic that is so rare as to be only occasionally traceable in the seemingly unselfish acts of man himself. But finally I was forced to sleep. Tired nature would be put off no longer. I simply fell asleep, willy nilly, as I sat looking out to sea.

'You would not have thought them a bore! 'There were some who would, as plenty will now; but we were a rough set -we had not so much to start with as the lads, willy nilly, have now. But I should have been glad of books, and diversion free from lawlessness might have prevented poor Dick's scrapes. By the bye, that daughter of his can do good work.

I haled them off with me, willy nilly, to the refreshment room, I dined, after a fashion; Mr Lessingham swallowed with difficulty, a plate of soup; Sydney nibbled at a plate of the most unpromising looking 'chicken and ham, he proved, indeed, more intractable than Lessingham, and was not to be persuaded to tackle anything easier of digestion.

"Not if we are worthy of our souls." She frowned. "There is Ben, surely he is not altogether to blame," she objected. "Less to blame than some others, perhaps." "Then there is the chance that helps us willy nilly," she urged. "You, to me, are such a chance.

Bright spurs that add their roweled row To clanking saber's pride; Fierce eyes beneath a beetling brow; More license than the rules allow; A military stride; Years' use of arbitrary will And right to make or break; Obedience of men who drill And willy nilly foot the bill For authorized mistake; The comfort of the self-esteem Deputed power brings Are fickler than the shadows seem Less fruitful than the lotus-dream, And all of them have wings When blue eyes, laughing in your own, Make mockery of rules!

When he walked out of Moroni his mind was a blank, so overcome was his body with heat and toil and the astounding turns of his fortune; but at the next station below, as he was trying to steal a ride, a man had dropped off the train and dragged him, willy nilly, into his Pullman.

It was a cry of pain as well as horror. "Yea, mistress; and when I refused, the fellow dealt me a blow, and laid me down senseless, to bear me off willy nilly, but that good old Lucas Hansen brought mine uncle to mine aid " Dennet clasped her hands. "O Stephen, Stephen! Now I know how good the Lord is. Wot ye, I asked of Tibble to take me daily to St. Faith's to crave of good St.

Willy nilly, they seem to communicate an atmosphere of secret and wicked thoughts which makes those in their immediate neighbourhood shrink from them as from a thing diseased. And, perhaps, with houses the same principle is operative, and it is the aroma of evil deeds committed under a particular roof, long after the actual doers have passed away, that makes the gooseflesh come and the hair rise.

"Egad, captain, there you are a true sailor! Which would you rather have been, I say, William Shakespeare or Sir Francis?" "Which would you rather be, Richard," said Dolly to me, under her breath, "Horace Walpole or Captain John Paul? I begin to like your captain better." Willy nilly, Mr. Walpole was forever doing me a service.

Again the boy endeavoured to think out a plan of escape, but his thoughts wandered, willy nilly. They were taken up with the iron. And gradually he began to comprehend how much thinking and calculating men must have done before they discovered how to produce iron from ore, and he seemed to see sooty blacksmiths of old bending over the forge, pondering how they should properly handle it.