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"We gen'ly get it from Fortune's box in the night-nursery," replied Orion. "And you steal it?" "Oh, yes; she would make such a fuss if we asked her for some. We always steal it for public funerals." "Well, on this occasion, and to spare your aunt's feelings, tell Fortune that I desire her to give you some. "Now, Jane," continued Mr.

They had both been into the night-nursery the evening before, but it was after Miss Rosamond was asleep; so they had only looked at her not asked me any questions. 'I shall catch it, thought I to myself, as I went along the north gallery.

Crowds followed the cab, cheering it lustily; charming girls scaled it to get his autograph; interviews appeared in the better class of papers, and society invited him to dinner and added, 'Do come in the kennel. On that eventful Thursday week Mrs. Darling was in the night-nursery awaiting George's return home: a very sad-eyed woman.

Diana looked really worthy of her distinguished name as she strode down the passage and returned to the night-nursery. She and Orion slipped into their respective little cots and lay down without waking either Fortune or Susan, who slept in beds at the opposite side of the room.

We must not shirk things if we are to be a bit what mother wants us to be; and now that Aunt Jane has come, poor father may want us worse than ever." "I never thought of that," replied Iris. "I'll run and get dressed at once, Apollo." She flew away into a tiny little room of her own, which opened into the night-nursery.

She had something like hysterics, falling face downward upon the carpet and clutching her hair until it fell down. She was not a person to be judged she was one of the unexplained incidents of existence. The night drew in more closely. A prolonged wailing shriek tore through the utter soundlessness of the house. It came from the night-nursery. It was Robin who had wakened and was screaming.

"There's no sleeping at all here," she went on calmly. "Why not?" "You can't sleep out of your body," she laughed. "Why not?" he asked again. "Your body goes to sleep, but you don't," she explained. "Oh, I see." His head was whirling. "And my body my real body " "Is lying asleep unconscious they call it in the night-nursery at home. It's sound asleep. That's why you're here.

The functions of the brain resumed their normal course. The delirium of the past few hours was over. Jimbo was lying at home on his bed in the night-nursery, and his mother was bending over him. At the foot of the bed stood the doctor in black. The nurse held a lamp, only half shaded by her hand, as she approached the bedside.

"Let us all slip into our beds, and be there when she comes in, just as if we had never been away." And so when Mrs. Darling went back to the night-nursery to see if her husband was asleep, all the beds were occupied. The children waited for her cry of joy, but it did not come. She saw them, but she did not believe they were there.

They're trying to feed your broken body now in the night-nursery, and so you feel a sort of ghostly hunger here even though you're out of the body." "It's easily satisfied, at any rate," he said, looking at the paste in the soup plate. "No one actually eats or drinks here " "But I'm solid," he said, "am I not?" "People always think they're solid everywhere," she laughed.