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By virtue of the malady that had killed him, of his plethoric habit of body, and of the sweltering August heat, the corpse was decomposing rapidly, so that the face had become almost black and assumed an aspect grotesquely horrible, fully described by Burchard: "Factus est sicut pannus vel morus nigerrimus, livoris totus plenus, nasus plenus, os amplissimum, lingua duplex in ore, que labia tota implebat, os apertum et adeo horribile quod nemo viderit unquam vel esse tale dixerit."

A fine species of the class Crustacea, discovered by him, has been described and figured in the Illustrated Proceedings of the Zoological Society. Chrysodema pistor, Laporte and Gory. Buprestidae, t. 6, f. 33. Mr. Pachyrhynchus stanleyanus.* Tab. 4 fig. 1, 2. Pachyrhynchus nigerrimus, maculis parvis squamosis plurimis viridiscenti-albidis. Habitat: Pariwara Islands, New Guinea. Four specimens.

Cape Palmas, or Bamnepo, with its outlying islet-reef of black rock, on which breaks an eternal surf, is the theoretical turning-point from the Windward coast, which begins with the Senegal, to the Leeward, and which ends in the Benin Bight. We are entering the region Unde nigerrimus Auster Nascitur.