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Bottom there was none; the bottomlessness of it only became more apparent when one or other of the horses stumbled into the hole of an ant-bear. Twice the gray broncho was on her knees; once The Nig came down so sharply that Kruger Bobs rolled forward out of his saddle, to land on his back, nose to nose with his astonished mount.

As that magnate did not distinctly say "No" indeed, walked off making conversation with the engineer twenty hands helped the new passenger to get Nig and the canoe on board. "Well, got a gold-mine?" asked Potts. "Yes, sir." "Where's the Colonel?" Mac rasped out, with his square jaw set for judgment. "Colonel's all right at Minóok. We've got a gold-mine apiece." "Anny gowld in 'em?"

"Nig!" screamed Mary, one of her sickest days, "come here, and sweep these threads from the carpet." She attempted to drag her weary limbs along, using the broom as support. Impa- tient of delay, she called again, but with a differ- ent request. "Bring me some wood, you lazy jade, quick." Nig rested the broom against the wall, and started on the fresh behest. Too long gone.

They were of the same large type as Thornton, living close to the earth, thinking simply and seeing clearly; and ere they swung the raft into the big eddy by the saw-mill at Dawson, they understood Buck and his ways, and did not insist upon an intimacy such as obtained with Skeet and Nig. For Thornton, however, his love seemed to grow and grow.

The man from Indian River went back alone. The Boy would limp after the Colonel down to the sluice, and sit on a dump heap with Nig. Few people not there strictly on business were tolerated on No. 0, but Nig and his master had been on good terms with Seymour from the first.

But it took her some time to mount her pony, and then looking back she waved her hand at Hagar, who was smiling, though with pale and drawn face. Hagar stood rigid on the porch until she could no longer see Ruth. Then she sank to the edge of the porch, gathered the dog Nig into her arms, and buried her face in his unkempt shoulder.

Two orficers is two; six AB's and coxswain seven, and seven and two's nine; and the two nig blacks, sir; nine and two's 'leven. That's right, sir 'leven." "Go round then, and count." "I think they could all answer to their names, sir, now, if I might be so bold." "Call them over, then." "Ay, ay, sir. Here goes, then, lads. First orficer, Mr Russell, sir, and you, sir's, two as we needn't count.

Day by day there was a manifest change of de- portment towards "Nig." Her speeches often drew merriment from the children; no one could do more to enliven their favorite pastimes than Frado. Mary could not endure to see her thus noticed, yet knew not how to prevent it. She could not influence her schoolmates as she wished.

Suddenly he leaped up. The canoe tipped, and Nig went a second time into the water. Well for him that they were near the shore; he could jump in without help this time. No hand held out, no eye for him. His master had dragged the painter free, seized the oars, and, saying harshly, "Lie down, you black devil!" he pulled back against the current with every ounce he had in him.

"Oh, I should say our friend Nig here has had to stand more than his share of the racket." "Poor old Nig!" said the Colonel, with a somewhat guilty air. "Look here: what do you say to seeing whether they can go if we help 'em with that load?" "Good for you, Colonel!" said the Boy, with confidence wonderfully restored. "I was just thinking the same."