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The faithful servant uttered some explanation in Russian, which the young man did not understand, or, rather, Rouletabille understood perfectly from his manner that henceforth the door of the villa was closed to him. In vain he insisted on seeing the general, Matrena Petrovna and Mademoiselle Natacha. Ermolai made no reply but "Niet, niet, niet."

Do you remember how the topmost divinity smiled to me from her perilous perch, too high to rouse your jealousy, and how the little cherub that sat up aloft besprinkled us mischievously with eau de cologne? Was it from its inscribed beams that Shelley borrowed his famous lyric "Love's Philosophy"? for did we not read: Den Hemel drinckt, en d'Aerde drinckt: Waerom souden wij niet drinckt?

I and my officers assure your Excellency that we fight with one aim only our independence, which we never can or will sacrifice!" It would have been childish to fear that letter and that Proclamation. From the short answer which I sent to Lord Kitchener, the reader will clearly see the opinion that I and my officers held concerning it: "Bangmaak is nog niet doodmaak," as our proverb says.

The old woman muttered: "'Tis niet goet, 'tis niet goet," and the elder daughter echoed: "Oh, 'tiss no bon, 'tiss no bon." Two British officers entered. They looked round and saw that private soldiers were sitting at the tables. But the St. Martin was the biggest estaminet in the village and provided the best wines and coffees, so they stood in the doorway, undecided what to do.

Merrihew smiled weakly and signified that he did not understand. "Nicht rauchen!" cried the official in desperation. Merrihew extended his hands hopelessly. He had nothing belonging to the conductor. Hillard had the tickets. "Niet rooken! Niet rooken!" "I say, Jack, what the deuce does he want, anyhow?" "Cigare, cigare!" The conductor gesticulated toward the window. "Oh!"

Now, the slave is far richer than the old young master, and no waggon comes without a little gift oranges, fish, &c. for 'Wilhem'. When Klein goes to Capetown, the old Malay seats him in a grand chair and sits on a little wooden stool at his feet; Klein begs him, as 'Huisheer', to sit properly; but, 'Neen Wilhem, Ik zal niet; ik kan niet vergeten. 'Good boy! said old Klein; 'good people the Malays. It is a relief, after the horrors one has heard of Dutch cruelty, to see such an 'idyllisches Verhaltniss'. I have heard other instances of the same fidelity from Malays, but they were utterly unappreciated, and only told to prove the excellence of slavery, and 'how well the rascals must have been off'.

"'My desire is satisfied," replied the vice-principal. "He is a happy man if that is so," added the doctor. "Many of the Dutch label their garden houses with a sentiment like that," continued Mr. Fluxion. "I have seen one somewhere which smacks of Yankee slang 'Niet zoo kwaalijk." "I should say that was slang," interposed Paul. "It means, 'Not so bad."

But it is in no sense a prison-camp, for people are coming and going freely all the time, and the only rules within are those of decency and good order. "Capacity, ten thousand," says the commandant, sweeping his hand around the open circle, "quite a city, niet waar? I will show you the various arrangements."

But he had need to speak to Rouletabille in private, and he drew the reporter, after excuses, out into the corridor. "It is the Emperor himself who has sent me," said the high dignitary with emotion. "He has sent me about the eider downs. You forgot to explain the eider downs to him." "Niet!" replied Rouletabille, laughing. "That is nothing. Nitchevo!

"What the green reim does teach them," explained Lady Hannah, secretly aghast at her own temerity, "is, not to be found out next time." He gave a wooden chuckle, but his regard was as menacing and his voice as gruff as ever. "I make no mouth-play with words. I talk in men and guns, and there are half a dozen among the Engelsch, niet mier, that know how to talk back.