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"You've taught him a lesson that he needed, for it was always a word and a blow with him, and the word alone was worth five shillin' in a public court. He won't be so ready now to shake his nief in the face of everyone he meets. However, that's neither here nor there." Montgomery looked at them in bewilderment. "For goodness' sake, gentlemen, tell me what it is you want me to do!" he cried.

Here I must say of my dragoons that they were men I loved to command. After twelve days' work of a sort to knock up an elephant they were as fresh as daisies. Donald they all feared, and as Donald, for my behoof, made no bones about telling them how the laddie's nief, sma' as it lookit, 'ad dinged 'im, Donald, oot o' his seven senses, they feared me. I think they even liked me.

I expected that Donald would cherish ill will to me for my blow, but in this I was wrong. So far from bearing me a grudge, he quite obviously liked me for it. He had a fist, or nief, as he called it, nearly as big as a leg of lamb, and almost the first thing he did when we were alone was to hold it out, huge, dirty, and hairy, and put it alongside mine.

Andrew, where he hath kept his court these years back. Beside it is the minster of the same saint, who hath the town under his very special care." "And how of yon gray turret on the left?" "'Tis the fane of St. Michael, as that upon the right is of St. Remi. There, too, above the poop of yonder nief, you see the towers of Saint Croix and of Pey Berland.

A tame round, and the advantage with the Master. "T' Maister's too strong for him," said a smelter to his neighbour. "Ay; but t'other's a likely lad. Happen we'll see some sport yet. He can joomp rarely." "But t' Maister can stop and hit rarely. Happen he'll mak' him joomp when he gets his nief upon him." They were up again, the water glistening upon their faces.

He scratched his rough head in his perplexity. "At Gladsmuir," he said, "'er nainsell did take ten Southron loons wi' 'er own hant, wi' nobody to help 'er, an' now one callant had dinged 'er clean senseless wi' nothin' but a bairn's nief." "It wasn't clean fighting, Donald," said I. "Nothing but a sort of trick. If you were to hit me fair and square I should snap in two like a carrot.