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Thomas, Anticosti, and the Falklands, have been opened. All Indian Ocean islands with the exception of Socotra, the Cocos, Comoro, Mentawei, Nicobar, Chagos Archipelago and Kuria-Muria have been opened.

Indeed, its poignancy was not yet come to its most acute stage; the news was too recent for that. It had numbed my mind; dulled the pulsing life within me. The s.s.Nicobar, of the Oriental Navigation Line, had arrived at Tilbury at the scheduled time. My heart leaping joyously in my bosom, I had hurried on board to meet Kâramaneh....

A similar reluctance to mention the names of the dead is reported of peoples so widely separated from each other as the Samoyeds of Siberia and the Todas of Southern India; the Mongols of Tartary and the Tuaregs of the Sahara; the Ainos of Japan and the Akamba and Nandi of Eastern Africa; the Tinguianes of the Philippines and the inhabitants of the Nicobar Islands, of Borneo, of Madagascar, and of Tasmania.

"The Nicobar Isles are inhabited by a harmless inoffensive race of people; and here, as also in Andaman, are found the edible bird's-nests so much esteemed in China." MR. BARRAUD. "These nests form an extensive article of commerce: they are built by a little bird called the Jaimalani, black as jet, and very much like a martin, but considerably smaller.

We sailed hence on the 12th March, and on the 7th April got sight of Sumatra, whence we directed our course for the Nicobar islands, which we came in sight of on the 4th May, and anchored next day in a small bay at the N. end of the island of Nicobar Proper, in lat. 7° 30' N. This island produces plenty of cocoa-nuts, and mallories, a fruit as large as the bread-fruit of Guam, which the natives boil in covered jars.

Passing the north-west end of Sumatra, the pirates steered for the Nicobar Islands, to the south of the Andamans. Here the ship was again careened, in order that she might be thoroughly cleaned, and thus sail faster. The natives were a well-looking people, of a dark colour, the men being almost naked, but the women wore a short petticoat.

At the end of every course all the fine linen on the table was changed. Those who saw the pyramids of choice wild fowl imagined that the entertainment had been prepared for fifty epicures at the least. Only six birds' nests from the Nicobar islands were to be had in London; and all the six, bought at an enormous price, were smoking in soup on the board.

The northern and southern points, and the greater part of the east coast, are low, and faced with mud banks, and therefore without coral. The chart represents the islands of this group as fringed by reefs. With regard to GREAT NICOBAR, Captain Moresby informs me, that it is fringed by reefs of coral, extending between two and three hundred yards from the shore.

The Cygnet and a bark sail from Cape Corrientes for the Ladrones Short allowance of food The crew threaten to mutiny Narrow escape from shipwreck Guam reached Friendly intercourse with the Governor Provisions obtained A friar kept as hostage A Manilla ship appears and escapes Quit Guam and reach Mindanao, one of the Philippines Visit from Rajah Laut The Viceroy An officer visits the Sultan Friendly reception Entertainments on shore Rajah Laut's treachery The crew become discontented Run off with the Cygnet leaving Captain Swan and portion of the crew on shore Many die poisoned by the natives The Cygnet lays in wait for the Manilla ship Reed chosen as captain Put into a harbour Refit the ship and cut down the quarter-deck Nearly wrecked Anchor off Mindano Go to Polo Condore Refit the ship Live on friendly terms with the natives Again sail Some of a boat's crew killed by Malays Proceed to the west of China Remarks on the natives Come off the Pescadores Obtain provisions from the natives The Bashee Islands visited Leave Luconia Dampier desires to return for Captain Swan Hears of his death Waterspouts Anchor off Callasunguny Visits exchanged with the Sultan Sail for the coast of New Holland Intercourse with the natives Sail for the Nicobar Islands A canoe with natives captured Dampier set on shore Brought off again Again set on shore with several companions They obtain a canoe, and set sail for Achin Perilous voyage Reach Achin Sufferings of the voyagers Dampier makes several voyages, and becomes gunner at Boncoulin Plan of trading to Meangis The Painted Prince He escapes privately to Boncoulin on board the Defence Reaches England after twelve years absence Death of the Painted Prince-Dampier publishes his adventures.

Japan Departure of the three Venetians with the Emperor's daughter and the Persian ambassadors Sai-gon Java Condor Bintang Sumatra The Nicobar Islands Ceylon The Coromandel coast The Malabar coast The Sea of Oman The island of Socotra Madagascar Zanzibar and the coast of Africa Abyssinia Yemen Hadramaut and Oman Ormuz The return to Venice A feast in the household of Polo Marco Polo a Genoese prisoner Death of Marco Polo about 1323.