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The component atoms of a molecule of aniline are shown in the formula C H NH . It is also known as phenylamine or amido-benzole, or commercially as aniline oil. There are various methods of reducing nitrobenzene for aniline, the object being to replace the oxygen of the former by an equivalent number of atoms of hydrogen.

The adicity of an element when combined with two or more elements is usually higher than when combined with only one, e.g., NH , NH Cl. The term "capacity of saturation," may be used as a synonym for adicity, if care be taken to distinguish it from other kinds of saturation, such as an acid with an alkali, etc.

This violet colour is produced by adding a very small quantity of the aniline, together with some bleaching powder, to a mixture of chalk and water, the chalk being added for the purpose of destroying acidity. This aniline, C H NH , is a base, and forms the foundation of all the so-called basic aniline colours. If I have made myself clear so far, I shall be contented.

The precipitate formed is transferred to the filter and well washed with water containing NH Cl and NH O, then dissolved in hydrochloric acid and reprecipitated with ammonia, filtering and washing as before. It is again dissolved in HCl and titrated with uranium solution, or decomposed by tin, as noted below, and the manganese precipitated as binoxide with chlorine, and determined.

The n is highly nasalized: the missionaries proposed to express it by "nh" which, however, wrongly conveys the idea of aspiration; and "Fan," pronounced after the English fashion, would be unintelligible to them. The village contains some 400 souls, and throughout the country the maximum would be about 500 spears, or 4,000 of both sexes, whilst the minimum is a couple of dozen.

Accordingly hydrogen is taken up, and we get C H NH formed, which is aniline. Benzene from coal-tar is warmed with nitric acid in a flask. A strong action sets in, and on adding water, the nitrobenzene settles down as a heavy oil, and the acid water can be decanted off. To show you that aniline is formed, I will now produce a violet colour with it, which only aniline will give.

!Answer!: 74.18 cc. One gram of crude ammonium salt is treated with strong potassium hydroxide solution. The ammonia liberated is distilled and collected in 50 cc. of 0.5 N acid and the excess titrated with 1.55 cc. of 0.5 N sodium hydroxide. Calculate the percentage of NH in the sample. !Answer!: 41.17%.

Now as to valency or atomicity, accepting the received atomic weights of the elements, it is certain that there are at least four distinct types of hydrogen compounds represented by ClH, OH , NH , CH . The recognition of these types, and their relations to each other as types, was one of the most important and best assured advances made in theoretical chemistry.

Taking up the volatile alkaloids, we find with regard to conine, first, that the action of methyl iodide shows it to be a secondary amine, that is, it restrains only one replaceable hydrogen atom of the original ammonia molecule. Its formula is therefore C H NH. From conine can be prepared methyl-conine, which also occurs in nature, and dimethyl-conine.

Then one will know the length and position of the lines NH, EM, and of HE, which is the thickness of the Crystal: which lines being traced separately upon a plan, and then joining NE and NM which cuts HE at P, the proportion of the refraction will be that of EN to NP, because these lines are to one another as the sines of the angles NPH, NEP, which are equal to those which the incident ray ON and its refraction NE make with the perpendicular to the surface.