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Galvani, the discoverer of animal electricity, and Volta, the inventor of the galvanic pile, stimulated others to fruitful experiments in this branch of study. There were two classes of geologists, the Neptunians, or Wernerians, who ascribed rocks to aqueous deposition exclusively; and the Vulcanians, or Huttonists, adherents of the view of Dr. The Geological Society of London was founded in 1807.

"Have you any idea where they're taking us?" she asked, soberly. "No," he answered flatly, looking deep into her steadfast eyes. "No use lying to you if I know you at all you'd rather take it standing up. That talk of Jovians or Neptunians is the bunk nothing like that ever grew in our Solarian system. All the signs say that we're going for a long, long ride!" Nevian Strife

One set would have it that the world was all cinders, and another set insisted it was only slack and so, they called themselves Plutonians and Neptunians, and made great converts to their respective opinions.

The waves which dash on the shore are, one by one, broken; but yet the OCEAN conquers nevertheless. It overwhelms the armada; it wears the rock; and if the Neptunians are to be believed, it has not only destroyed but made a world." At Naples, in the Romagna, wherever he saw a spark of noble life stirring, he was ready for any exertion; or danger, to blow it into a flame.

Properly used, they're good enough for anybody. Pirates, Neptunians, angels, or devils in ships or on sunbeams if they tackle the Hyperion we'll burn them out of the ether!" Leaving the captain's desk, the watch officer resumed his tour of duty.