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"A few servants with knives! You'll all be caught and killed." "By who, the Nenni?" the man laughed. "You Nenni are a caution." "But we're not Nenni " "We've watched you; you're the same. You're part of the same blood-sucking class." "There are better ways to, uh, adjust differences," Magnan said.

"I'm not sure I want a promotion," he said. "It would mean more lapels." Ambassador Crodfoller pursed his lips, waiting until Retief and Magnan took places in the ring of Terrestrial diplomats around him. "A word of caution only, gentlemen," he said. "Keep always foremost in your minds the necessity for our identification with the Nenni Caste.

Politeness is a thing of hat-lifting, of bowing and scraping, of 'Pardon! and 'Merci! It is an article to be worn, like a dress-coat and a white tie, in a drawing-room and among our acquaintances. We have the right article for that occasion very sweet, very refined, very graceful, very charming indeed. But as for everyday use nenni!"

I made a meal there, talking to all my companions left and right in a new speech of my own, which was made up, as it were, of the essence of all the Latin tongues, saying 'Ha! Si jo a traversa li montagna no erat facile! Nenni! II san Gottardo? Nil est! pooh! poco! Ma hesterna jo ha voulu traversar in Val Bavona, e credi non ritornar, namfredo, fredo erat in alto! La tourmente ma prise...

"But if we're called, you'll be the first to go, Illy." "You're a funny kind of Nenni," Illy said, eyeing Retief, "Toscin and Vug must be wonderin' what happened to 'em." "If you think I'm good at drowning people, you ought to see me with a knife. Let's get going." "It's only a little way now," Illy said. "But you better untie me. Somebody's liable to stick their nose in and get me killed."

Disregardful of custom, I was stooping to speak to her, when Aunt Jeanne dragged me away with a gratified laugh, and a quick "Nenni, nenni! She may not speak till the time comes, or dear knows what will happen to us!

"You trying to upset the system or something?" "Isn't that the purpose of your revolution?" "Look, Nenni, we're tired of you Nenni getting all the graft. We want our turn. What good would it do us to run Petreac if there's no loot?" "You mean you intend to oppress the people? But they're your own group." "Group, schmoop. We're taking all the chances; we're doing the work. We deserve the payoff.

Yet to find the very heavens in tune with his mood brought the Greek to a still madder ecstasy of passion. At such times the mind, fearful for herself, catches at phrases and fancies, as drowning men catch at straws. So now, with terrible irrelevance, his mind caught at the simple couplet: Nenni, nenni, vattienne, non me st

Then two of their leaders came towards the shore, holding their hands upward joined together, and meanwhile carrying their hats under their upper garments and showing great reverence. Looking upward they sometimes cried, "Jesus, Jesus," or "Jesus Maria." Then the captain asked them whether anything ill had happened, and they said in French, "Nenni est il bon," meaning that it was not good.

"They're already installed in the palace kitchen and in a few thousand other places, Zorn tells me." "If this ever leaks...." Magnan put a hand to his forehead. "I have his word on it that the Nenni slaughter is out. This place is ripe for a change. Maybe Zorn is what it needs." "But how can we know?" Magnan yelped. "How can we be sure?" "We can't," Retief said.