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So it would seem that even the Professor did not fully comprehend the depth of Mrs. Scarlet's vindictiveness toward Dyke Darrel. It was Professor Darlington Ruggles who penned the letter to Nell Darrel that sent the unsuspecting girl to Chicago to meet her brother.

Perhaps you've been in the same fix yourself. I know what everyone would say is the right thing to do, but what do you say? Shall I marry and settle down? Shall I put myself into the harness to be worn out like an old horse? You know me, Ray. There can't anyone break me but I can break myself. Shall I do it or shall I tell Nell to go to the devil? Come on, you tell me.

But it became known among a few in Pontiac that Nell was notorious. How it had crept up from Montreal no one guessed, and, when it did come, her name was very intimately associated with Fabian's. No one could say that she was not the most perfect of servants, and also no one could say that her life in Pontiac had not been exemplary.

"Polk," I asked him suddenly without giving him time to get the situation into his own hands, skilled in their woman-handling, "do you intend to marry Nell or just plain break her heart for the fun you get out of it?" His dangerous eyes smoldered back at me for a long minute before he answered me: "Men don't break women's hearts, Evelina."

It seems that one of them must have fired at you, since there was a slight wound where you just put your hand, that was doubtless made by a bullet." Nell Darrel was beginning to remember the scene in the cellar. "I was rescued, you say? Who were the rescuers?" "Myself among others. I think you may safely acknowledge that you owe your life to me," said the New Yorker coolly.

"Belding! Who on earth's that?" cried Dick Hoarsely. "Quien sabe, my son," replied Belding; and now his voice seemed a little shaky. "Nell, come here. Give him a chance." Belding slipped his arm round Nell, and whispered in her ear. "This 'll be great!" Elsie Gale's face was white and agitated, a face expressing extreme joy. "Oh, brother! Mama saw you Papa saw you, and never knew you!

"Austin," said his father one day, "I have a contract for putting up hay that will give work for all of us for six weeks or more. How would you like to load up the family and enough cooking-utensils for use in the camp and go out with us? Amy and Nell could do most of the cooking, and you could have wages just as I shall give Wilbur. We shall be in camp steady till the work is done."

When the European garments were worn out which they were, long before deliverance was sent to them Nell Massey proved her fitness for a Robinson Crusoe life, by actually splitting the sealskins which were as thick as sole leather so as to obtain material thin enough for clothing. Of course, a flagstaff had been among the first things erected.

Myra Nell gasped faintly in the darkness, and sat bolt-upright. "You you're joking." "That's no answer." "I I Do you mean it? Oh!" She was out of the hammock now and poised tremblingly before him, like a bird. "Honestly? You're not fooling? Norvin, you dear duck!" She clapped her hands together gleefully and began to dance up and down. "I-I'm going to scream." "Remember your promise."

It was late when the three at last rose to retire. But Douglas did not mind, for he was glad to have such interested listeners. But the part of his story that was nearest his heart he did not tell. Not even to the Gartons would he reveal his love for Nell, and all that she meant to him. Douglas walked with Garton down the street the next morning toward the lawyer's office.