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The first attempts of Guibord's friends to bury the body in accordance with this decision were frustrated by force; but on November 16, 1875, under a strong military escort, the remains of Joseph Guibord were finally laid to rest in the Côte des Neiges cemetery, in the presence of a sullen assemblage.

The next day I quitted the pensionnat. In half an hour my clothes were arranged in a commode, my books on a shelf, and the "flitting" was effected. I should not have been unhappy that day had not one pang tortured me a longing to go to the Rue Notre Dame aux Neiges, resisted, yet irritated by an inward resolve to avoid that street till such time as the mist of doubt should clear from my prospects.

Mais ou sont les neiges d'antan? Surely they have been settling, flake on flake, year after year, in Mrs. Talbot's linen-press, till at last there is quite a snowdrift of fair white linen for Jenny and Theophil to lie in.

Slang, whether the public admit the fact or not has its syntax and its poetry. It is a language. Yes, by the deformity of certain terms, we recognize the fact that it was chewed by Mandrin, and by the splendor of certain metonymies, we feel that Villon spoke it. That exquisite and celebrated verse Mais ou sont les neiges d'antan? But where are the snows of years gone by? is a verse of slang.

She was a Russian, of a very fine education, living peacefully in Paris up to the time that she wrote to her relatives a letter containing the following treasonable sentiment: "Je mennuie pour les neiges de Russie." The letter had been read by the French censor, as had B.'s letter; and her arrest and transference from her home in Paris to La Ferte Mace promptly followed.

Now and then a single poem rises above the tedious and hideous barbarism of the general level of this monkish literature, either from a more intensely personal feeling in the poet, or from an occasional grace or beauty in his verse. Mais ou sont les neiges d'antan? "Where are the snows of yester year?"

The professional man generally has two plates upon his door: one telling you that he is 'M. Charles Robert, 'avocat; and the other, that he is 'Mr. C. Robert, 'attorney at law. In the 'Cote des Neiges, behind the mountain, at Montreal, and in the suburb or quarter 'St. Henry, this French appearance is universal.

These farms, in the course of time assumed the appearance of a continuous settlement on the river and became known in local phraseology as Côtes for example, Côte de Neiges, Côte St. Louis, Côte St. Paul, and many other picturesque villages on the banks of the St. Lawrence.

"Capitaine," he said, "les vieux canons!" Two or three days later came his chief of staff on some errand or other. That discharged, when I was accompanying him to his boat at the gangway, he stopped in the same spot as the admiral. His gaze was meditative, reminiscent, perhaps even sentimental. " sont les neiges d'antan?"