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The preserved meat, the biscuit, the sweet water, with the addition of a few drops of rum, of which Bat had saved a quarter cask, made the requisites for this repast. But if Negoro took part in it, he did not at all mingle in the conversation, in which were discussed the measures demanded by the situation of the shipwrecked.

She did not see Negoro at all, as he lodged outside; but his absence was quite inexplicable. This absence continued to astonish her, and make her feel anxious at the same time. "What does he want? What is he waiting for?" she asked herself. "Why has he brought us to Kazounde?"

She also thought that, if Negoro had put off his second visit for eight days, it was because he needed that time to prepare for his journey. If not, he would return sooner to force her consent. "Would he really separate me from my child?" murmured she.

Negoro seized a hand-spike and took an attitude of defense. The dog was going to spring at his throat. "Here, Dingo, here!" cried Dick Sand, who, leaving his post of observation for an instant, ran to the prow of the ship. Mrs. Weldon on her side, sought to calm the dog. Dingo obeyed, not without repugnance, and returned to the young novice, growling secretly.

"If Negoro has known how to come as far as this, he will know how to go farther. He is a man to keep out of trouble." "As you please," replied Harris. "Let us go. Dingo, be quiet," added Dick Sand, briefly, so as to end the conversation. The second observation made by the novice was in connection with the American horse. He did not appear to "feel the stable," as do animals of his species.

One became the son, the other the friend, of the family. James Weldon knew how much he owed to the young novice, how much to the brave black. He was happy; and it was fortunate for him that Negoro had not reached him, for he would have paid the ransom of his wife and child with his whole fortune.

We shall reach the coast before Negoro can return to Mossamedes. There, the Portuguese authorities will give us aid and protection; and when Alvez comes to take his one hundred thousand dollars " "A hundred thousand blows on the old scoundrel's skull!" cried Hercules; "and I will undertake to keep the count." However, here was a new complication, although it was very evident that Mrs.

He knew that he was discovered, and he had fled probably before the little party which he guided had reached the place where an attack had been arranged. As for Negoro, whose presence Dingo had certainly recognized during these last days of the march, he must have rejoined Harris, so as to consult with him.

These two men were Harris and Negoro; and we are going to see now what chance had brought together, on the coast of Angola, the Portuguese come from New Zealand, and the American, whom the business of trader obliged to often traverse this province of Western Africa.

"As to you, who followed our caravan from the coast, you have done well to keep your distance. They felt you were there. There is a certain Dingo that does not seem to love you. What have you done to that animal?" "Nothing," replied Negoro; "but before long it will receive a ball in the head."