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Dan'l wuz er good Christyun man wat lived in de Bible; and whedder he wuz er white man or whedder he wuz er brack man I dunno; I ain't nuber hyeard nobody say. But dat's neder hyear no dar; he wuz er good man, and he pray tree times eby day.

There's always a place to be found for a fellow like you." "Marse Thomas De Willoughby," said Matt, "dish yer niggah man's not gwine to be in no one's way. I come yere to work dat's what I come yere for. An' work's a thing dat kin be hunted down en a man ain't needin' no gun to hunt it neder an' he needn't be no mighty Nimrod." And he made his best bow to both men and shuffled out of the room.

"I ain't neder one, marster; but den I'm er jokin' too much, mo'n de 'lenity uv de cazhun inquires, an' now I'll splain de facks, sar." And Uncle Rob related Ann's story to his master, and wound up by saying: "An' now, marster, my min', hit's made up. I wants ter buy de little chap, an' give 'im ter his mammy, de one wat God give 'im to.

You jest knows dat I an't ready to go, nor willin' neder; and dat I an't prepared to meet nobody, Jeff expatiated largely not only on the mercy of God, but on the glories of the heavenly kingdom, as a land flowing with milk and honey, etc. 'Dis ole cabin suits me mon'sus well! was the only reply he could elicit from the old reprobate. And so he died."

"Maybe he'll say dat, an' den ergin maybe he won't. Maybe he'll punish de ole nigger ter de full stent uv his 'greshuns; an' den, ergin, maybe he'll let him off light; but dat ain't neder hyear nur dar. What'll yer take fur de baby, caze my min' hit's made up?" "And mine is too, Uncle Bob," said his master, rising, and grasping in his the big black hand. "Mine is too.