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At a glance he recognises an ornament well-known to him, as worn by his girlish cousin; Ludwig also, soon as he sees it, crying out: "It's sister's necklet!" Gaspar, too, remembers it; for pearls are precious things in the eyes of a gaucho, whose hat often carries a band of such, termed the toquilla.

On her broad brow she set a circlet from which hung sparkling diamonds that had been brought, the story said, by her mother's ancestor, a Carfax, from the Holy Land, where once they were the peculiar treasure of a paynim queen, and upon her bosom a necklet of large pearls.

And now," cries Trixy, breathless and triumphant, "if that doesn't fetch the baronet, you may tell me what will! The pearls are superb here they are. Pearls are en regle for weddings only, but how was poor pa to know that? Arn't they lovely?" They lie in their cloudy luster, necklet, earrings, bracelet. "Lovely!" Edith repeats; "lovely indeed. Beatrix, what a fortunate girl you are."

"Let me see your necklet, sister," Hsueeh P'an continued. "I think it requires cleaning." "It is so yellow and bright," rejoined Pao-ch'ai, "and what's the use of cleaning it again?" "Sister," proceeded Hsueeh P'an, "you must now add a few more clothes to your wardrobe, so tell me what colour and what design you like best."

She prizes it so very highly, that I feel as though I ought to thank you myself." Aileen opened her eyes. "Jade!" she observed, curiously. "Why, I don't remember." Recalling Cowperwood's proclivities on the instant, she was suspicious, distraught. Her face showed her perplexity. "Why, yes," replied Mrs. Platow, Aileen's show of surprise troubling her. "The ear-rings and necklet, you know.

In one of these dungeons, there is a fragment of an iron necklet riveted to the wall; in another, there can be seen a square box made of four slabs of granite, too short for a person to lie down in, too low for him to stand upright in. A human being was put inside, with a coverlid of stone on top. This exists. It can be seen. It can be touched.

You " He was reading impetuously now, his brain, alert and keen, sorting and sifting out, as it were, the salient, vital points, "... old Colonel Milford and his wife... Louisiana... letter... family heirloom... French descent... old setting, three large diamonds pendant from necklet of smaller ones... ten to twelve thousand dollars... steel bond box... lower right-hand drawer of desk... plan of second floor... West 88th Street..."

O'Shanaghgan now put a key into the lock of the jewel-case and opened it. When first she was married it was full of pretty things long strings of pearls, a necklet of very valuable diamonds, a tiara of the same, rings innumerable, bracelets, head ornaments of different kinds, buckles for shoes, clasps for belts, pins, brooches. Mrs.

His wife told him that the dog had lost it in the undergrowth of the park, and that she and her maids had hunted a whole day for it. It was true, she explained to the court, that she had made the maids search for the necklet they all believed the dog had lost it in the park...

When he had done so the man sprang from his horse, and taking off the thin necklet of beaten gold he wore round his throat, without a word he offered it to Tang-a-Dahit, and Tang-a-Dahit kissed him on the cheek and gave him the thick, loose chain of gold he wore.