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It was, indeed, a neck-and-neck race between them as to who had the greater quantity of civic pride.

If she could only reach the pavilion in time! It was a neck-and-neck race between the rain and the Girl, but the Girl won.

He did not mind it now. He yelped sharply, and the wolves raced in until four of them were neck-and-neck with him. A second flash and the death-bee drove from breast to tail of a huge gray fighter close to Gray Wolf.

The tuba raced lumberingly after the galloping cornet, that ran neck-and-neck with the wheezing clarinet; and the drums beat up behind, pounding like the hoofs of stiff-kneed horses half a stretch behind. It was a mad, exciting race of sounds a sort of handicap. The circular glow of the street-lamp became the social center of Benton. At last the mad race was ended.

It would do any man's heart good, who was ever a genuine boy, to see the venerable squire and his lady presiding over a race between competing couples of ploughmens' boys, from ten to fifteen years of age, running their rounds in the park, bare-footed, bare-headed, with faces as round and red as a ripe pumpkin, and hair of the same color whipping the air as they neck-and-neck it in the middle of the heat.

Yes, carried out, for this is the book, rapidly approaching completion. She and I are running a neck-and-neck race. I have also once more brought the story of David's adventures to an abrupt end. "And it really is the end this time, David," I said severely.

An armful of books aye, and his heart full of love! How dared he speak of it with his life wrapped in the dark shadows of some secret? Talk to me of progress! That day I could have raced neck-and-neck with a shooting star!

Two red-hot steamboats raging along, neck-and-neck, straining every nerve that is to say, every rivet in the boilers quaking and shaking and groaning from stem to stern, spouting white steam from the pipes, pouring black smoke from the chimneys, raining down sparks, parting the river into long breaks of hissing foam this is sport that makes a body's very liver curl with enjoyment.

All the breathless excitation, all the keen and desperate straining, all the tension of the neck-and-neck struggle that he had known so often over the brown autumn country of the Shires at home, he knew now, intensified to horror, made deadly with despair, changed into a race for life and death.

The higher we rose, the more intense became the excitement. The slope eased off, at length we could be detached, and Croz and I, dashed away, ran a neck-and-neck race, which ended in a dead heat. At 1:40 P.M., the world was at our feet, and the Matterhorn was conquered! The others arrived. Croz now took the tent-pole, and planted it in the highest snow.