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Moreover, though he knew not that Mette had any tenderness for this youth, his spirits rose at the prospect of getting him out of the way. So the bargain was struck, and as Nebbe rode homewards to his castle for the last time, he met the shepherd who had taken his former message.

He kissed me and rode away to Egeskov. "I thought that the Squire of Nebbe had done with us," Sir Borre began to sneer, when Ebbe found audience. "But the Bride-show is over, my man, and I give not my answer for a month yet." "Your word is long to pledge, and longer to redeem," said Ebbe. "I know that, were I to wait a twelvemonth, you would not of free will give me Mette."

But I thought that the forest was my father's? My name," said she, "is Mette, and my father is the Knight Borre, of Egeskov." "I am Ebbe of Nebbegaard, and," said he, perceiving the mirth in her eyes, "you have heard the rhyme upon me "'Ebbe from Nebbe, with all his men good, Has neither food nor firing-wood."

"Ah'll be dar, don' you nebbe fear fo' dat," chuckled the colored man. "Huh-huh double pay and no brakfus' ter git. Dat's what I calls LIVIN' yas, sah." As Frank, well pleased at having adjusted the business of the night watches so easily, was striding over the snow-powdered rocks toward the boys' hut, he heard a sudden disturbance behind the main hut and loud cries of: "Help! help!"