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"The most dreadful," said I, "was the first, when I and all my companions nearly lost our lives aboard the Kite." "The Kite!" exclaimed the young lady, "the Kite! What do you know about her? Oh, in mercy tell me, young man!"

"I'd much sooner be smoking a quiet pipe in my own quarters but I see we 'ave the Old Brigade on our 'ands this afternoon. If I only 'ad you regular, Muster Corkran," said he, dressing the line. "You've had me for nearly six weeks, you old glutton. Number off from the right!" "Not quite so previous, please. I'm taking this drill. Left, half turn! Slow march."

'You you will be very much pleased with the grammar-school, sir, said Tom. 'It's nearly finished. 'If you will have the goodness, Mr Pinch, said Pecksniff, waving his hand and smiling, 'we will not discuss anything connected with that question at present. What have YOU been doing, Thomas, humph?

Arthur Raybold was in no mood to attend services of any sort. He had spent nearly the whole day trying to get a chance to speak to Margery, but never could he find her alone. "If I can once put the matter plainly to her," he said to himself, "she will quickly perceive what it is that I offer her; and when she clearly sees that, I will undertake to make her accept it.

A glance at the map will show that the Scandinavian Peninsula, that immense stretch of land running from the Arctic Ocean to the North Sea, and from the Baltic to the Atlantic, covering an area of nearly three hundred thousand square miles, is, next to Russia, the largest territorial division of Europe.

And what a chance to look at her missed and all thrown away. He sat sullenly down in the hall, resisting the temptation to go into the beautiful night. At least he would see her on her way back. But he waited until nearly eleven, and she never appeared, and then the maddening thought came to him she had probably passed to her rooms along the terrace outside, under the lime-tree.

At the first blow the bees set up a loud buzzing, but we have no mercy, and the side of the cavity is soon cut away and the interior with its white-yellow mass of comb-honey is exposed, and not a bee strikes a blow in defense of its all. This may seem singular, but it has nearly always been my experience.

Our success was unqualified; we had overthrown Pickett, taken six guns, thirteen battle-flags, and nearly six thousand prisoners. When the battle was practically over, I turned to consider my position with reference to the main Confederate army.

Several times during the afternoon I returned to the window overlooking the narrow street, but toward evening I lay down and slept, and when a noise at the door wakened me the room was nearly dark. "Monsieur," a voice exclaimed, "are you awake? Do not be alarmed; it is I L'Estang." Hearing me move, he closed the door softly, and came across to the bed.

One evening a fire flamed up in Hoboken, and burned for hours against the west, in the lurid crimson tones of a conflagration as memorably and appealingly native as the colors of the sunset. The weather for nearly the whole month was of a mood familiar enough in our early summer, and it was this which gave the sunsets their vitreous pink.