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"Of course it's not her uncle: Nazario had nothing to do with it, I know. It was them damned soldiers, that's who done it." "God, what a bloody mess! Another unhappy woman!" The cackle of the old hens finally awakened Demetrio.

MELENDEZ Y BRUNA, D. SALVADOR. Puerto Rico. Representation of the Governor of the Island to the King. Cadiz, 1811. NAZARIO, D. JOSÉ MARÍA. Guayanilla y la historia de Puerto Rico. Ponce, 1893. PÉREZ MORIS, D. JOSÉ, Y CUETO, D. LUIS. Historia de la insurrección de Lares. SAMA, D. MANUEL MARÍA. El desembarco de Colón en Puerto Rico y el Monumento de Culebrinas, Mayaguez, 1895.

The lower range of panels has full-length figures of SS. Anna, Mary Magdalene, Joachim, and Catherine. In the upper are half-lengths of SS. Chiara, Francis, Jerome, and Nazario, with Christ between SS. Peter and Andrew in the centre. It has been restored. There is also an altar-frontal of cut and gilded leather. The lions from the ancient cathedral doors are now in the atrium of the high-school.

The work called San Nazario, situated north of El Principe, but now used in connection with the present cartridge factory, abandoned for defensive purposes. The partially constructed fort called Las Animas, southeast of Principe, lying on a low hill, partly built but useless and unarmed.