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But as time went by the inert human creature became so wholly opprobrious to the gecko, who valued a good hunt, that at last, as the small ceiling fan continued to turn arthritically, churning an unnoticeable, fetid draft of warm air in the direction of the man and the beast with a wobbling, scraping sound like cooks in sidewalk restaurants mixing fried rice but instead mixing these myriad, noxious odors of the train, it informed Nawin of his freakish obscenities with its tacit baleful eyes and scrolled tongue.

Unlike me, you have a ton of friends and close friends in me Nawin too. He would be here in an instant if he knew that you were so unhappy. We didn't know it was so bad, Kimberly. It's late. Come down and go to bed. Things always seem clearer in the morning when emotions burn down in sleep." "I'm just a hole to men here nothing else."

In some respects, despite the enormity of his size, Nawin was like any raw meat that the gecko had caught before; but never before had any of its prey skinned itself and by its own volition lay before it as inanimately as any torn, half uneaten comestible. The gecko watched Nawin who was poised like a reclining Buddha and staring at the ceiling that hindered the welkins.

For whatever inexplicable reason, he had chosen to check into a guest house in the center of Nongkai and here he Nawin, Jatupon, or whatever label he gave himself was baffled by his choice. He could merely speculate and eat his pancakes the same as any Western foreigner, but with the voracious enthusiasm as he had when, long ago, devouring them in America as a four year old child.

Thinking of how a smile conveyed language, it seemed to him that even the walls of the train were speaking if he would just listen to them. It occurred to him that if thinking so was childish, animistic, and all things Piaget, life was more meaningful with this chimera. "Anyway, it doesn't look like it's hurt," said Nawin in an attempt to bring closure to the subject of the toe.

"You're from here?" "Where else would I be from?" "Couldn't you be from somewhere else?" Nawin chuckled more warmly than a snicker but what came out was still a fusion of both. "Poor people don't change to better locations. They remain trapped where they are. What is Bangkok like?" "You've never seen it?" "No except clips from television news." "You don't like it there?" "It has its moments.

I was working in a women's garment factory there. Siam Pooying. Have you heard of it?" "No." "Maybe your wife has." Nawin ignored the inquiry. "He got laid off in his factory so I decided to quit and go back too." "Where are you both going?" "Our father's farm." "What about you?" "Taking a break a vacation needed some time away" "A self appointed vacation," interjected the Laotian. "Must be nice.

The gecko did not favorably view Nawin unzipping his skin and lying down in his tenebrous tomb in such a manner. A man behaving like this, instead of fleeing from its formidable presence was nothing like it had ever witnessed before, and it found the situation extremely puzzling.

How strange. Sit down. Neither of us will be going anywhere in the rain." Nawin sat down on the wet bench next to the Laotian who wrote his telephone number out for him once again. Around them both was the mesmerizing sound of rain, now a more steady, less vehement pounding in the muddied inundation that surrounded Patuxay.

If he had experienced one malevolent family early in his life, this should have been enough of an augury for him that long ago he, Nawin Biadklang, should have forsworn a second round of it and vowed to maintain a single and original life thereafter.