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When any foreigner was taken into the service of the King of Burma he had to swear an oath of fidelity. He swore upon many things, and among them were included 'all the Nats in Popa. No Burman would have dared to break an oath sworn in such a serious way as this, and they did not imagine that anyone else would.

They find out where he is. Circling, at a good distance, the spot he is on, they corroboree round it. Hearing them, Nahgul comes out. They close in and seize him, kill him, drink his blood, and eat him; by so doing gaining immense additional strength. Marmbeyah are tree spirits, somewhat akin to the Nats of Burmah.

And the hunters and the travellers there must offer to the Nats little offerings, if they would be safe in these forests, and even the young man must obtain permission from the Nats before he marry.

Such a wood I know, far away north, near the hills, which is full of Nats. There was a great deal of game in it, for animals sought shelter there, and no one dared to disturb them; not the villagers to cut firewood, nor the girls seeking orchids, nor the hunter after his prey, dared to trespass upon that enchanted ground. 'What would happen, I asked once, 'if anyone went into that wood?

The Ottos, Aiaways, & Missouries Speake the Same language the Panies & Recreries Speak the Same language also the Loups & repub. the Mahar, & Poncarar the Same Language The Cheaun, Mandin & Grovanter the Same The Probibility is that those defferant tribes have once formed 3 great nats. Viz: the Missouries, Osarge, Kanzes, Ottoes, Mahars, & Poncaras & Aiauaies one nation.

"After all, what does it amount to with them but the fear of evil spirits and the propitiation of nats and demons? Crowds go to the Pagoda and offer flowers, prayers and candles, yet all the time their faith is not in Buddha, but in devils.

Many men, careless strangers, who camped under the tree and then abused the hospitality of the Nat by hunting near his home, came to severe grief. But the Nat has gone now, alas! The tree is still there, but the Nat has fled away these many years. 'I suppose he didn't care to stay, said the headman. 'You see that the English Government officials came and camped here, and didn't fear the Nats.

The Nats then left the tree and went away, far away inland, to the great Popa Mountain, and took up their abode there, and all the people there feared and reverenced them, and even made to their honour two statues with golden heads and set them up on the mountain. This is the story of the Popa Nats, the greatest Nats of all the country of Burma, the guardian spirits of the mysterious mountain.

I'm beginning now not to be quite so sure that my direction was right after all, but don't say so before Joyce. Just then we heard a most awful noise like a hundred demons groaning and shrieking together. "Nats!" exclaimed Joyce, standing stockstill. Moung Ohn laughed and shook his head.

"No, no," hastily broke in Salter, "nats are spirits, good spirits or bad, who live in the trees; you will hear enough about them before you are a month in Burma. Their worship is the national faith." "But I thought Buddhism " began Shafto, and hesitated. "Oh, yes, ostensibly and ostentatiously, but wait and see." "I am a Catholic," announced the child abruptly.