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On the Islamic fraternities in general and the Sennussiya in particular see W. S. Blunt, The Future of Islam (London, 1882); O. Depont and X. Coppolani, Les Confréries réligieuses musulmanes (Paris, 1897); H. Duveyrier, La Confrérie musulmane de Sidi Mohammed ben Ali es Sénoussi (Paris, 1884); A. Le Chatelier, Les Confréries musulmanes du Hedjaz (Paris, 1887); L. Petit, Confréries musulmanes (Paris, 1899); L. Rinn, Marabouts et Khouan (Algiers, 1884); A. Servier, Le Nationalisme musulman (Constantine, Algeria, 1913); Simian, Les Confréries islamiques en Algérie (Algiers, 1910); Achmed Abdullah (himself a Sennussi), "The Sennussiyehs," The Forum, May, 1914; A. R. Colquhoun, "Pan-Islam," North American Review, June, 1906; T. R. Threlfall, "Senussi and His Threatened Holy War," Nineteenth Century, March, 1900; Captain H. A. Wilson, "The Moslem Menace," Nineteenth Century and After, September, 1907; ... "La Puissance de l'Islam: Ses Confréries Réligieuses," Le Correspondant, 25 November and 10 December, 1909. The above judgments, particularly regarding the Sennussiya, vary greatly, some being highly alarmist, others minimizing its importance. A full balancing of the entire subject is that of Commandant Binger, "Le Péril de l'Islam," Bulletin du Comité de l'Afrique française, 1902. Personal interviews of educated Moslems with El Sennussi are Si Mohammed el Hechaish, "Chez les Senoussia et les Touareg," L'Expansion Coloniale française, 1900; Muhammad ibn Utman, Voyage au Pays des Sénoussia

Quoted from A. Servier, Le Nationalisme musulman, Constantine, Algeria, 1913. The Nineteenth Century and After, October, 1908; M. Pickthall, "La Morale islamique," Revue Politique Internationale, July, 1916; XX, "L'Islam après la Guerre," Revue de Paris, 15 January, 1916. Like all great movements, the Mohammedan Revival is highly complex.

Mohammed Ali, "Le Mouvement musulman dans l'Inde," Revue Politique Internationale, January, 1914. He headed the so-called "Khilafat Delegation" sent by the Indian Moslems to England in 1919 to protest against the partition of the Ottoman Empire by the peace treaties. A. Servier, Le Nationalisme musulman, p. 181. G. Civimini, in the Corriere della Sera, December 30, 1919.

This hatred of Western civilization, as such, will be discussed in the next chapter. Ernst Paraquin, formerly Ottoman lieutenant-colonel and chief of general staff, in the Berliner Tageblatt, January 24, 1920. A. Servier, Le Nationalisme musulman, p. 182. B. Temple, "The Place of Persia in World-Politics," Proceedings of the Central Asian Society, May, 1910. L. Rinn, Marabouts et Khouan, p. vi.

Quoted from article by "X," "Le Pan-Islamisme et le Pan-Turquisme," Revue du Monde musulman, March, 1913. This authoritative article is, so the editor informs us, from the pen of an eminent Mohammedan "un homme d'étât musulman." For other activities of Djemal-ed-Din, see A. Servier, Le Nationalisme musulman, pp. 10-13.