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Why, he kin walk through a man's pockets, jest as the devil goes through a crack or a keyhole, and the money will naterally stick to him, jest as ef he was made of gum turpentine. His look says dollars and cents; and its always your dollars and cents, and he kines them out of your hands into his'n, jest with a roll of his eye, and a mighty leetle turn of his finger.

They didn't have not no refreshments all the way to Slough, so they was naterally all pretty well harf starved by the time they got there, but there they found a lovly Shampane Lunshon a waiting for to refresh xhawsted Natur, and at it they went like One o'Clock altho it wasn't only arf parst Elewen. Now for the second staggerer!

"Yes, Timmendiquas," said Paul, and then he told the story of "The Bloody Rock," and how, in the turmoil and excitement attending the flight of the last four, Timmendiquas had cut the bonds of Shif'less Sol and himself. "I think the mind o' White Lightnin', Injun ez he is," said Shif'less Sol, "jest naterally turned aginst so much slaughter an' torture o' prisoners."

Of course, this here aint my funeral; besides, bein' a Gospel shop, the price naterally would be different." To this the boys all assented and Williams looked uncomfortable. "That's so! Right you are!" chorused the boys gravely. Williams agreed, but declared he had thought of all this in making his calculation.

It's ten years, boys, since I've seen the old woman; but somehow, when she fetched that leap, I naterally left." He had been standing beside the bar his usual attitude when he made this speech; but at this point he half faced his auditors with a look that was very effective.

One human weakness might be discovered in me by a clost observer in that rapt hour: I didn't really know how to address the wife of the Duke. And I whispered to Irena Flanders, and, sez I, "If a man is a duke, what would his wife be called?" Sez I, "She'd feel hurt if I slighted her." And sez she, "If one is a duke, the other would naterally be called a drake."

Then they ate long, and were unashamed. "Jest a touch o' Heaven right now," said Shif'less Sol, in tones of deep conviction. "This is the healthy life here, an' it makes a feller jump when he oughter jump. Me bein' a naterally lazy man, I'd be likely to lay 'roun' an' eat myself so fat I couldn't walk, but the Injun's don't give me time.

One time I thought Massa Venner b'lieve Dick was goin' to take to Elsie; but now he don' seem to take much notice; he kin' o' stupid-like 'bout sech things. It's trouble, Doctor; 'cos Massa Venner bright man naterally, 'n' he's got a great heap o' books. I don' think Massa Venner never been jes' heself sence Elsie's born. He done all he know how, but, Doctor, that wa'n' a great deal.

"Terrible," I muttered. "Indeed! Now that's nice. And is she spare or fleshy?" "Medium," I said. "Just right." "That's nice. But what'll she run to? It makes a heap of difference to a woman what she runs to. Now I naterally take on." "I should say Nanny Pulsifer would naturally lose weight," I answered. "That's nice. It's so much better to run to that it's easier gittin' around.

One time I thought Massa Veneer b'lieve Dick was goin' to take to Elsie; but now he don' seem to take much notice, he kin' o' stupid-' like 'bout sech things. It's trouble, Doctor; 'cos Massa Veneer bright man naterally, 'n' he's got a great heap o' books. I don' think Massa Veneer never been jes' heself sence Elsie 's born. He done all he know how, but, Doctor, that wa'n' a great deal.