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'Cause ef you does," said Emma, waving an arm like a black mule's hind leg for strength, "ef you does, 'stead o' layin' de blame whah it natchelly b'longs on yo' own ig'nance, Peter you'll go thoo dis worl' wid every Gawd's tom-cat you comes by havin' kittens on you!" "I feel like a father to those kittens," said Peter, gravely.

We told her that, with your consent or without it, we didn't have the power to sell off any part of the estate, and so, that bein' the case, the necessary money to send you off to school jest natchelly couldn't be provided noways, and that, since there was jest barely enough money comin' in to run the home and, by stintin', to care fur you and Mildred, any outside and special expense comin' on top of the regular expenses couldn't possibly be considered or, in other words, that you two couldn't hope to go to boardin' school.

How shall you get back to your place?" "Reckon I'll have ter onhitch an' ride Pepper back, on'y I jist natchelly hate ter see Nell's face when I get thar 'thout Salt. She set sich store by them horses, an' they'd foiler her anywheres. I sort ter hate ter start, miss." "Listen to me," said Peggy. "What does Nell most need?" "Huh! MOST need? Most need?

After much soothing talk, she at last quieted Slade by promising to have a given quantity of whiskey distilled before his next visit. "That'll do," he conceded. "Look out you don't forgit it, though, or I'll take it out of Dad's hide. Now, Cochise, you hit the high places for them hosses. Don't do no shooting this time. Just natchelly have 'em drift off. Git a move on you."

Or, "Lawsy me, Miss Jinny, dat boy o' yo's is jes' natchelly bustin' outer da clo'es wid growin', ain't he? He jes' de spit o' he pa, bless 'im!" Which untoward confidence didn't seem to surprise our visitors. They had Mary Magdalens of their own.

For Peter's sake she fought while she had strength to fight, enduring all things, hoping all things. She didn't even know she was sacrificing herself, because, as Emma Campbell said, "Miss Maria's jes' natchelly all mother." But of a sudden, the winter that Peter was turning twelve, the tide of battle went against her. The needle-pricked, patient fingers dropped their work.

There's been so many bosses of late en my orders been knocked eendwise so of'en that I don't know, en the hands don't know whether I've got any po'r or no. Ef this thing 'bout Chunk gits out, en nobody punished, the fiel'-hans natchelly think we darsn't punish. Mought es well give up then." "Punish as much as you think necessary to keep the quarter-hands at work. Then it is plain," replied Mr.

"Aw, boss," replied Roddy with something like reproach, "you knows 'tain' no queshun uv a hinge arftuh midnight. Arftuh midnight, boss, de screws drap right outen' de hinge, an' dar ain' no mo' hinge. You jes' natchelly keeps your haid down an' don' lif' it no mo'. Naw, suh, dar ain' no hinge to he'p you dat late, onless onless somebody hit you or stab you." Braceway became stern.

"I hev noticed them things, too," said Shif'less Sol. "Thar are diff'unt kinds o' naturs, the good an' the bad, an' the bad can't bear for other people to lead 'em. Then they jest natchelly hate an' hate.

"'M. Here Bud, take some o' this. Ah jus' natchelly hate to have you-all die o' starvation." "No, she's comin'. Ah see her now." And Bud ran to meet his wife and to relieve her of the baby. "Hungry, ain' he?" sneered Pink, as he watched his partner's alacrity, while Bob struggled to his feet to greet Melissa. "Say, you-all wasn' wantin' to buy a cow, was ye, Bob?" asked Pink. "Got one to sell?"