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"You have been at the Bankside you say, young Sir? On my credit, you must cross the river again and visit the theatres the Globe or the Rose. Our great actor, Dick Burbadge, plays Othello to-day, and, I warrant me, he will delight you. A little man is Dick, but he hath a mighty soul. There is none other like him, whether it be Nat Field or Ned Alleyn.

Smith, sinking thoughtlessly into the broken cane-chair and slowly extricating himself. "Something that'll make your eyes start out of your 'ed." The small black eyes in question were turned shrewdly in his direction. "I've 'ad news of you afore, Nat," remarked Mr. Kybird, with simple severity. The philanthropist was chilled; he fixed his eyes in a stony stare on the opposite wall. Mr.

There were tears, many and bitter, for master and man that night; and next morning when, after tying a scarf round her son's shoulder, Lady Markham clung to him passionately, till, with a last hasty kiss to his sister, a final embrace to his mother, Scarlett set spurs to his sturdy horse, and galloped off across the park to where Nat was waiting, and there he drew rein to allow his father to come up.

"It's all right, Nat. He understands, and has evidently encountered big snakes. Now, then, to show him our enemy, for he will fight."

A Silurus, found in the Rio Parana, and called the "armado," is remarkable for making a harsh grating noise when caught by hook or line, which can be distinctly heard when the fish is beneath the water. DARWIN, Nat. Journ. ch. vii. Aristotle and Ælian were aware of the existence of this faculty in some of the fishes of the Mediterranean. ARISTOTLE, De Anim., lib. iv. ch. ix.; ÆLIAN, De Nat.

I will not detain you now to give you an account of these two great sources of wealth; you shall see them another time in my study: and take heart, my young friend; you have your foot on the ladder, and will climb some day to the top, if you gain all the knowledge your honoured kinsman is ready to give you, and are guided by his advice." "And by your own good sense, Jack," added Cousin Nat.

The old man had been sleepless for a week, trying to nose out the Lass for the top haul of the fleet, and here was a young scapegrace who came and cast anchor within a hundred yards of his chosen ground. Nat laughed carelessly at the storm of abuse that rattled over the stern of the Rosan and rowed over to her in his dory with the package of mail.

He believed him to be the culprit, and hoped to save the boy from another lie, by winning him to tell the truth without fear. "Now, my son, give me an honest answer. Did you take the money?" "No, sir!" and Nat looked up at him imploringly. As the words fell from his trembling lips, somebody hissed. "Stop that!" cried Mr.

I gave up my hold of the fishing-line most unwillingly, for the little adventure was intensely exciting, and every jerk and drag made by the creature that had seized my fish sent a thrill through my arms to my very heart. "It is some kind of sea-snake that has taken your fish, Nat, and is regularly constricting it.

"You're the only man who believes that, Harry." "Buck up. I'll stumble across some better opening for you before long, and " "Stop right there. I'm through " "Don't talk that way, Nat. I'll get you in right somewhere." "You're the best-hearted man alive, Harry but I'll see you damned first." "Wait." Kellogg demanded his attention.