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Speechless and motionless with terror, I could do nothing in prevention or warning. Suddenly the door of my mother's apartment was opened, noiselessly, and the two confronted each other, both apparently surprised. The lady, also, was in her night clothes, and she held in her right hand the tool of her trade, a long, narrow-bladed dagger.

A robe or short cloak of short-haired sheepskin is sometimes carried for warmth, but not at all for modesty. The weapons are a long, narrow-bladed heavy spear, the buffalo hide shield, the short sword, and the war club or rungs.

"I did." "You avoided moving him?" "It was unnecessary to move him. He was dead, and the wound was in the left shoulder. I pulled his coat open and unbuttoned his shirt. That was all." "How long dead?" "I should say he had been dead not more than an hour when I saw him." "What had caused death?" "The stab of some long, narrow-bladed weapon, such as a stiletto." "Why a stiletto?"

Did the doctor examine the body?" "He made a cursory examination. He is arranging to meet the police surgeon for an autopsy to-morrow morning." On the table lay a narrow-bladed chisel, the lower portion of the bright steel discoloured with the dark stain of blood. The inspector pointed to it. "That is the instrument with which the wound must have been made," he remarked in a subdued tone.

The sturdy paddlers were bending to their tasks, each broad back swinging in unison forward and back over the thwart, each brown throat bared to the air, each swart head uncovered to the glare of the midday sun, each narrow-bladed paddle keeping unison with those before and behind, the hand of the paddler never reaching higher than his chin, since each had learned the labor-saving fashion of the Indian canoeman.

They agreed to this plan, and Jesse, hobbling out to the edge of the lagoon, picked up one of the bidarka's paddles a narrow-bladed, pointed implement such as the Aleuts always use rested the end of the paddle on the bottom on the other side of the bidarka, and, steadying himself by this means, slipped into place in the front hatch of the boat, just as one would step into a tottery birch-bark, although not even the latter can be more ticklish than one of these skin-covered native boats.

If suppuration is not thereby prevented, or if it has already taken place, each separate collection of pus is punctured with a narrow-bladed knife and the use of the suction bell is persevered with. If there is a large periglandular abscess, as is often the case, in the neck and axilla, the opening may require to be made by Hilton's method, and it may be necessary to insert a drainage-tube.

Sergeant Coombes scratched his head with the end of a pencil, and: "Yes," he said, with hesitancy. "That is, except the word after 'narrow-bladed weapon such as a' I've got what looks like 'steelhatto." Kerry glared. "Try taking the cotton-wool out of your ears," he suggested. "The word was stiletto, s-t-i-l-e-t-t-o stiletto." "Oh," said Coombes, "thanks."

I thought of a better way. Observe." He slowly drew the long narrow-bladed sword, that went with his costume, and, taking the point in his left hand, bowed over it in mock courtesy. "Will monsieur have the extreme kindness to remove his mask," he said. I admit I was a bit astonished.

under the Queen's broad arrow. There were also the staves of another canteen, a small keg, a tin powder can, several red cans marked a narrow-bladed axe, several broken porter and wine bottles stamped and a few barrel staves. The cache was one evidently made by Netchillik Inuits, who had found the things along the coast.