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Nevertheless he was released after the amnesty of July, 1917. Writing in the Narodni Politika about his experience in prison, deputy Klofac says: "Many educated and aged political prisoners were not allowed out to walk in the yard for five months or more, which is contrary to all regulations. They were also not allowed to read books given to them by the judge, and they had to do the lowest work.

Kramar, one of the most moderate of the Czech leaders. Dr. Kramar was arrested on May 21, 1915, on a charge of high treason as the leader of the Young Czechs; together with him were also arrested his colleague, deputy Dr. Rasin, Mr. Cervinka, an editor of the Narodni Listy, and Zamazal, an accountant.

Dr. In his articles in the Narodni Listy, published during the war, Dr. Kramar advocated the liberation of small nations as proclaimed by the Entente. His organ, "the Narodni Listy, laid special stress on news favourable to our enemies and on the state of disruption of Austria, and indirectly invited Czechs to passive resistance." A copy of La Nation Tcheque was found in Dr.

"Preventive censorship was established and a number of articles were passed by the censor for publication in Czech papers only when proofs were supplied that the articles had already appeared in some other journal in Austria. Independent articles or reports were not allowed to be published. The Narodni Listy was treated with special spite by the censorship.

The Slovaks abroad, of course, work hand in hand with the Czechs for their common cause. Nevertheless, even in Hungary the Slovaks showed their unanimity with the Czechs. According to the Narodni Listy of July 24, 1917, the Slovak political leaders, especially their two deputies, Father P. Juriga and Dr.

We felt with our whole soul that the Czech nation would not go through the sufferings of the world war only to renew the pre-war tactics of a slow progress towards that position to which we have full historical rights as well as the natural rights of a living and strong nation...." And again, in an article in the Narodni Listy of December 25, 1917, Kramar wrote under the heading "By Order of the Nation": "We have sought with utmost sacrifice to find a compromise between our just claims and the international situation which was unfavourable to us.

The Narodni Listy became the mouthpiece of all the most eminent leaders of the nation without party distinction. Its issue of October 31, 1917, contained a map of the future independent Czecho-Slovak State and a series of articles.

The Russian language is also extensively known among the ex-soldiers who sojourned so many years as prisoners or as legionaries in Russia. The French language having lost much of its value has not so many students. The "Narodni Listi," which is the principal Czech newspaper in Prague, prints two columns in French every day for the convenience of foreigners who do not understand Bohemian.

In their proclamation published in the Narodni Listy of February 10, 1918, the executive declared that: "The chief aim of the new party will be to engage in a common national effort for the creation of an independent Bohemian State, the fundamental territory of which will be composed of the historical and indivisible crown-lands of Bohemia and of Slovakia.

After the Austrian victories in Italy and the collapse of the Hungarian revolution, absolutism again reigned supreme. During the ten years that followed, Bach tried, relying upon the army and the hierarchy, to centralise and germanise the empire. In January, 1850, Havlicek's Narodni Noviny was suppressed and later, also, three of the other remaining Czech journals.