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"Why, what's the matter, Tom?" said my sister; "you look as if you were puzzled." And indeed I do not doubt but I did, for it at once recalled to my mind that old Nanny's married name was James, and that Spicer had said that his father was a sailor, and that he had died at the time that he was born, which agreed with the narrative of old Nanny.

Besides, it takes 400 pounds of cotton each year, leaveing 60 dollars only to the four hands who spin warp.... These hands are not old negroes, not all of them. Two of Nanny's daughters, or three I may say, are all able hands ... and these make neither corn nor meat. Take out $20 to pay their borde, and it leaves them in debt. I give them their task to spin, and they say they cannot do more.

It's all luck about Nanny's eyes; and maybe you are only throwing away a chance you'll never have again. Jack leaned his head on his arms and stared at the money, all spread out there, and looking so magnificent to him that it seemed as if it could buy half the world.

She does not, however, hit on, or dwell on, that most cutting circumstance of all, poor Nanny's dying, as it were by our own means, tho' well intended indeed. Wooll's Warton, i. 289. Dr. See post, before Nov. 17, and under Dec. 9, 1784. 'The best men deserve not eternal life, and I who am the worst may have it given me. Ib. p. 431 'He that hath lived worst, even I. Ib. vii. 241.

The doctor's horse clattered up the Backwynd noisily, as if a minister behind made no difference to it. Instead of climbing the Roods, however, the nearest way to Nanny's, it went westward, which Gavin, in a reverie, did not notice. The truth must be told. The Egyptian was again in his head. "Have I fallen deaf in the left ear, too?" said the doctor.

She looked up it wistfully, and there I left her behind, and pressed on to the mud-house to ask Nanny Webster if the minister was dead. Nanny's gate was swinging in the wind, but her door was shut, and for a moment I stood at it like a coward, afraid to enter and hear the worst. The house was empty.

"And you will provide for Nanny?" asked the doctor contemptuously. "Yes." "And where is the siller to come from?" "That is my affair, and Nanny's. Begone, both of you. She shall never want again. See how the very mention of your going brings back life to her face." "I won't begone," the doctor said roughly, "till I see the colour of your siller." "Oh, the money," said the Egyptian scornfully.

At this the child hesitated for an instant, as if she did not comprehend the latter part of Nanny's sentence; and then innocently taking her hand, she looked up to her face and said "Bud maybe yer too tired to go home now all the ways, Nanny, so iv you'll come home wid me, I'm sure my father won't be angry, an' will"

He had to open them to look once more on Nanny's sweet, patient face. As he did so, he noticed that the moon was just rising; and as it came up, Nanny rose also and stepping carefully so as not to waken her babies, she walked toward the fence where Billy was. Closer and closer she came with her pretty, sweet face showing plainly in the moonlight.

"She was little Nanny's mother, as perhaps you know. Poor little Nanny was killed last night by a fall downstairs." All the calmness was gone; all the suppressed feeling was displayed in spite of every effort. She sat down, and hid her face from him, and cried bitterly. He forgot everything but the wish, the longing to comfort her. He put his arm round her waist, and bent over her.