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On the 27th we sighted a hill dead ahead, which I named Mount Luck, and on the southern side a nice little plain of saltbush and grass a pleasant and welcome change.

I don't think I ever saw her more than twice. I know we used to call Sir Peter, 'Sir Peter' but he came much oftener to see us than Lady Arley did. Deborah would have known in a minute. 'My lady' 'your ladyship. It sounds very strange, and as if it was not natural. I never thought of it before; but, now you have named it, I am all in a puzzle."

While still at Tete the son of Monomotapa paid the commandant a visit. He is named Mozungo, or "White Man", has a narrow tapering head, and probably none of the ability or energy his father possessed. He was the favorite of his father, who hoped that he would occupy his place.

But there was one sage, he was named Joram, he said that he it found but it seemed leasing he said that if men found in ever any land, ever any male child, that never had father, and opened his breast, and took of his blood, and mingled with the lime, and laid in the wall, that then might it stand to the world's end.

Spencer said that my tongue must be hung in the middle. But it isn't it's firmly fastened at one end. Mrs. Spencer said your place was named Green Gables. I asked her all about it. And she said there were trees all around it. I was gladder than ever. I just love trees.

Of the other two light-keepers, one, named Henry Hall, had received injuries of a most serious nature; and his case is not a little extraordinary.

So we replaced the Board of Council by Ministers; the empty responsibility of a Board by the individual responsibility of men and the king consented to it. I myself was named by him Minister of the Treasury. That is all. But precisely here was the rub.

On the whole, the Nautch dance would be disappointing to most people witnessing it; its fame leads one to expect more than it really amounts to. Before starting back to Delhi, I take a stroll through the adjacent village of Kootub, a place named after the minar, I suppose.

"Take care," he would say kindly, "you expose yourself too much." His own dreadful position never prevented him from sympathy with the smaller troubles of others. A servant in the Temple named Marchand, the father of a family, was robbed of two hundred francs, his wages for two months. During his separation from his family the King refused to go into the garden.

Bartholomew had been kept busy in collecting the native tribute, and in planning out the beginnings of the settlement at the mouth of the river Ozema, which was at first called the New Isabella, but was afterwards named San Domingo in honour of old Domenico at Savona.