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This second name is called Yeboshina, the cap-name, which is compounded of syllables taken from an old name of the family and from the name of the sponsor. If the sponsor afterwards change his name, his name-child must also change his name.

She tried very hard properly to distinguish between the three Miss M'Gillivrays, daughters of Sir Andrew Rothesay's half-sister's son, and Miss Flora Anstruther, the old lady's third cousin and name-child, and especially little twelve-years-old Maggie Oliphant, whose grandfather was Mrs. Flora's nephew on the mother's side, and first cousin ta Alison Balfour.

Above all, the minister like to hear and to talk about his eldest and favorite grandchild his name-child, too Alexander Cardross Bruce. But on this subject, usually the never-ceasing topic at the Manse, Helen was for once profoundly silent.

Not a word did they say of his own employment it was to be treated as a thing not to be spoken of; but the welfare of the others was inquired after, and especially of Robina who was the name-child of the eldest sister, the gentlest of the set, and the most in the background, quiet and tearful pleased to hear that her godchild was at school, and as Felix emphatically said 'a very good girl, anxious that he should take charge of 'a little token' for her.

In truth, however, she has been scarcely less the peculiar pet of father and mother, brothers and sisters, friends and neighbors sweet Annie Donaldson, as all unite in calling her, and certainly a sweeter, fresher bud of beauty never opened to the light than my name-child.

One tree, a superb specimen of the kind called "Crouching-Dragon-Plum," writhed and twisted near the veranda of the chamber of its name-child, Umè-ko, thrusting one leafy arm almost to the paper shoji of her wall. Kano's transient flowers were grown, for the most part in pots, and these his daughter Umè-ko loved to tend.

Miss Inches, a wide-awake, handsome woman, seemed much pleased to see them all. "So this is my name-child," she said, putting her arm about Johnnie. "This is my little Joanna? You're the only child I have any share in, Joanna; I hope we shall love each other very deeply." Miss Inches' hand was large and white, with beautiful rings on the fingers.

This was not quite true, for Miss Phoebe would have been greatly surprised at Doctor Strong's doing anything of the kind; but she enjoyed saying it, and felt rather better after it. "We could not possibly refuse, though, Sister Phoebe," said Miss Vesta, mildly. "Little Vesta being my name-child, and Brother Nathaniel without faculty, as one may say, and it is certainly no place for her at home."

In February, under warmer sunshine, the blossoms showed in constellations, a myriad on a single branch. Then, all too soon, the falling of wan petals made a perfumed tragedy of snow upon the garden paths. Tatsu grew to love the old dragon plum as Umè-ko had loved it. She was its name-child, Umè, and he felt its sweetness to be one with her.