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At the most we could muster a few old ships, a couple of experimental vessels of war, and twenty-five thousand soldiers indifferently weaponed. We were in fact as naked to the Imperial foe as the merely painted Britons.

This day I will exact the price for all they have cost me in loss and in sorrows, and avenge the bad faith which led them to return to Totnes. If but this day we bear us in the battle like men, and smite the heathen in their fastness, never again will they array themselves proudly against us, but will be for ever before us as naked men without a shield."

Presently with a sweep the road comes into a direct line with the Charbagh bridge over the canal. Now there is not a house in the vicinity; the Charbagh garden has been thrown into the plain and the steep banks of the canal are perfectly naked. But then the scene was very different. On the Lucknow side the native city came close up to the bridge and lined the canal.

In all these respects, the New World formed a striking contrast: the islands were inhabited by savages, naked, unacquainted with the rudest arts of life, and indebted for their sustenance to the spontaneous productions of a fertile soil and a fine climate.

Her dress and chemise, flimsy of texture, ripped with a barely audible noise. Elisaveta struggled desperately, and shouted something she did not remember what. All her clothes were already torn, and soon the last shreds of her very light garments fell from her naked body.

When you see a woman, afflicted with elephantiasis wringing out cream from cocoanut meat with her naked hands, drink and reflect how good is the cream, forgetting the hands that pressed it out. Also, remember that diseases such as elephantiasis and leprosy do not seem to be caught by contact.

In this way he came to the open space known as the Space of the Eight Directions, where Ko'en Cheng and his nobles were assembled. "One comes alone," they cried. "This guise is as a taunt." "Naked to a naked town the analogy is plain." "Shall the mocker be suffered to return?" Thus the murmur grew. Then one, more impetuous than the rest, swung clear his sword and drew it.

The Mayor asked: "What's the matter now, Mederic?" "I found a little girl dead in your wood." Renardet rose up, with his face the color of brick. "Do you say a little girl?" "Yes, m'sieur, a little girl, quite naked, on her back, with blood on her, dead quite dead!" The Mayor gave vent to an oath: "My God, I'd make a bet 'tis little Louise Roqué!

This so incensed the Admiral, that he resolved forthwith to reduce the refractory Rajah to obedience, notwithstanding that he was warned of the power of his foe, who possessed an army of six or seven thousand men, and although naked like the rest of the inhabitants, were furnished with bows, arrows, darts, and javelins.

There is a certain tawny nudity of the South, bare sun-burnt plains, coloured like a lion, and hills clothed only in the blue transparent air; but this was of another description this was the nakedness of the North; the earth seemed to know that it was naked, and was ashamed and cold. It seemed to be always blowing on that coast.