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Glaubsila, as uniting the ideas of invention and of musical intonation, is the classical word for poetry abbreviated, in ordinary conversation, to Glaubs. Na, which with them is, like Gl, but a single letter, always, when an initial, implies something antagonistic to life or joy or comfort, resembling in this the Aryan root Nak, expressive of perishing or destruction.

The souls of the East follow thee, the souls of the West praise thee. Thou art the ruler of all the gods, and thou hast joy of heart within thy shrine; for the Serpent-fiend Nak hath been condemned to the fire, and thy heart shall be joyful for ever." Egyptologists differ in their interpretations of certain passages, but agree as to general facts.

Nak and Hebset were here when I came, but they went that same night, each in a different direction, to search further for her. They returned to-night, but I know not whether they brought one with them." Masanath clasped her hands and thought for a moment, a mental struggle evidenced on her little face by the rapid fluctuations of color.

We were pacing down the length of the bridge, guards of the Akka beside us, others following with those companies of ladala that had rushed to aid us; in front of us the bandaged Rador swung gently within a litter; beside him, in another, lay Nak, the frog-king much less of him than there had been before the battle began, but living. Hours had passed since the terror I have just related.

Upon the platform from which sprang the smaller span over the abyss were Lakla, Olaf, and Rador; the handmaiden clearly acting as interpreter between them and the giant she had called Nak, the Frog King. "Come on!" shouted Larry. Out of the open portal we ran; over the World Heart Bridge and straight into the group. "Oh!" cried Lakla, "I didn't want you to wake up so soon, Larry darlin'!"

Besides, there were but two of us, after he had all but throttled me." Har-hat laughed again. "Aye, and after he pitched Nak over the cliff, there was but one. But tell me this: was he noble or a churl?" "He wore the circlet." Mentu's long fingers bent as if he longed for a throat between them. "The craven invented his giant to salve his valor," the priest said.

"Buck up, Larry keep your eyes on the captive Irish princess!" he muttered to himself. "Rador goes to meet one of the ladala who is slipping through with news," said the Golden Girl as we addressed ourselves to the food. "Then, with Nak, he and Olaf go to muster the Akka for there will be battle, and we must prepare.

Later in life the generous and romantic prince diverted himself with the adventurous beneficence of Haroun al Raschid, visiting the poor in disguise, listening to the recital of their sufferings and wrongs, and relieving them with ready largesse of charity and justice; and nothing so pleased and flattered him as to be called, in his assumed name of Nak Pratt, "the wise," to take part in their sports and fetes.

The fan-bearer laughed. "Forget not, this latter phrase, else the Pharaoh might fancy I would take her to wife. Haste thee! and bring back Nak and Hebset with thee to row the boat back, and help thee fetch her. She may have a lover who might make trouble for thee alone. Get thee gone." He took the reins from his servitor's hands and turned again toward Rachel.

Nak," she added, "is he who went before me when you were dancing with Yolara, Larry." She stole a swift, mischievous glance at him. "He is headman of all the Akka." "Just what forces can we muster against them when they come, darlin'?" said Larry. "Darlin'?" the Golden Girl had caught the caress of the word "what's that?" "It's a little word that means Lakla," he answered.