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Successful at first by help of the King of Aragon, he was made Constable of Spain at the coronation of Henry at Burgos. Edward the Black Prince, however, intervened, and at the battle of Najara Du Guesclin was again a prisoner in English hands, and Henry lost his throne.

If there be anything more wherein I can serve your Excellency, I hope you will freely command it, as I shall be always forward to serve you. God keep your Excellency, and grant you the long life I desire." Ibid. p. 86. To MR. SECRETARY BENNET. Ballecas, 18/28 May, 1664. The Duke of Aveiro had recovered, by final sentence, the 17th of May, the two dukedoms of Maqueda and Najara.

Do not set prayers to Arabic tunes, a practice which has been promoted to suit the taste of effeminate men." But if this be a crime, then the worst offender was none other than the famous Israel Najara. In the middle of the sixteenth century he added some of its choicest lyrics to the Hebrew song-book. He was a mystic, filled with a sense of the nearness of God.

While I was ruminating on this the bishop of Najara came opportunely to me. As I did not intend to communicate the secret to him, I took another method, and, instead of answering anything the bishop said to me, I pretended to talk to St.

Protected by the Black Prince, he was at first victorious against Henry of Transtamare his rival; and Du Guesclin was defeated in the battle of Najara in 1367. Afterwards Peter was obliged to surrender, and was killed by the dagger of Henry in a personal encounter. CONSTITUTIONS OF ARAGON AND CASTILE. The political institutions of Aragon and Castile are specially worthy of note.