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He went into details of the new operations, and when he finished Nairn looked up from the figures he had been jotting down. "Yon workings will cost a good deal," he pointed out "Ye will no be able to make a start until we're sure of the money." "We ought to get it." Nairn looked thoughtful.

It is certain, there cannot be a free agent, unless there is the power of being evil as well as good. We must take the inherent possibilities of things into consideration, in our reasonings or conjectures concerning the works of God. We came to Nairn to breakfast. Though a county town and royal burgh, it is a miserable place.

About an hour later Vane and Carroll entered the house with Nairn and proceeded to the latter's room where he offered them cigars. "So ye're all ready to sail the morn?" Vane nodded and handed him a paper. "There's your authority to act in my name, if it's required.

Beyond them there was scarcely a light at all; the neighborhood looked mysterious, and she wondered what kind of people inhabited it. She did not think that Mrs. Nairn had noticed Vane. "You have never taken me into the district on our left," she said. "I'm no likely to. We're no proud of it." Evelyn was a little astonished.

"Anyway, I'm going back up yonder very soon." Mrs. Nairn glanced at Carroll, who affected to be busy with a rope; then she turned to Vane. "It will no be possible with winter coming on." "It's not really so bad then," Vane declared. "Besides, I expect to get my work done before the hardest weather's due." "But ye canna leave Vancouver until ye have settled about the mine!"

"Though I don't see what the man could have gained by it, I'm inclined to believe that if Nairn and I had been absent he'd have carried his total reconstruction scheme. That wouldn't have pleased me." "I thought it injudicious." "It was only because we must raise more money that I agreed to the issue of the new block of shares," Vane went on.

"I wish," says the Earl on one occasion, "our men had her spirit." And the remembrances which he sends her, and his recurrence to her, show how important a personage Lady Nairn must have been. Aided by these two influential relations, the Marquis of Tullibardine had engaged in the dangerous game which cost Scotland so dear.

Avoiding all mention of his reasons either for assuming another name or for leaving his native glen, he told how, having wandered forth with no companion but his bagpipes, and nothing he could call his own beyond the garments and weapons which he wore, he traversed the shires of Inverness and Nairn and Moray, offering at every house on his road, to play the pipes, or clean the lamps and candlesticks, and receiving sufficient return, mostly in the shape of food and shelter, but partly in money, to bring him all the way from Glenco to Portlossie: somewhere near the latter was a cave in which his father, after his flight from Culloden, had lain in hiding for six months, in hunger and cold, and in constant peril of discovery and death, all in that region being rebels for as such Duncan of course regarded the adherents of the houses of Orange and Hanover; and having occasion, for reasons, as I have said, unexplained, in his turn to seek, like a hunted stag, a place far from his beloved glen, wherein to hide his head, he had set out to find the cave, which the memory of his father would render far more of a home to him now than any other place left him on earth.

Nairn had helped him, not only by sound advice, but by such practical economies as the making of his working clothes. Those he wore on the evening in question did not fit him well, though they were no longer the work of her capable fingers. When his guests were seated he laid two cigar boxes on the table. "Those," he said, pointing to one of them, "are mine.

"Ye will no have said anything definite to Horsfield yet about the smelter?" "No. So far, I'm not sure that it would pay us to put up the plant; and the other man's terms are lower." "Maybe," Nairn answered, and he made the single word very expressive. "Ye have had the handling of the thing; but henceforward it will be necessary to get the sanction of the board.