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"I hope everybody is out, up there in the wing," uttered Hal, glancing in that direction. As if in answer a window was suddenly raised with frantic haste. A face, a figure appeared there, framed by the sill and sides. Then a red tongue of flame shot up in the background, illumining the face of a terrified woman. "Why, it's Mlle. Nadiboff!" gasped Jack Benson.

"I'll go to the office and inquire," proposed Jack Benson. At the desk he received two letters for his employer, and turned away with them in one hand when his steps were arrested by the sound of a sweet feminine voice at the further end of the desk. The speaker was Mlle. Nadiboff. "She looks as sweet and as contented as ever," thought the submarine boy, with some wonder.

"Yet that can happen only on your most solemn word given, pardon me, in a moment of absolute honesty that you will never again play the spy, for the secrets of the United States Government." "Oh, I will promise that," replied Mlle. Nadiboff, quickly. "Yet I hardly need to. After what I have done, just now, no one in my peculiar line of work would ever trust me again.

The shipbuilder also went ashore that evening, just to see whether he could learn anything about M. Lemaire and Mlle. Nadiboff. Almost the first person Farnum encountered was reporter Hennessy. "Oh, your people are still here," answered Hennessy, in response to the shipbuilder's question. "They're both keeping in the background, though.

"Attentive?" sneered M. Lemaire. "Do you know where he is now?" "No," admitted Mlle. Nadiboff. "He has gone away upstairs with his friends, that they may all be prepared for an early and full day's work." "You are jesting with me," protested Mlle. Nadiboff, indignantly. "Take my arm, then, if you will," requested M. Lemaire.

"I will wait, my Captain." "I will remain with Mlle. Nadiboff," volunteered Hal. So Jack Benson, after raising his cap, stepped off rapidly toward the southern end of the old ruin. With much difficulty he found the entrance to the stairway leading below. At the head of the stairs two youngish men were standing. The face of one of them looked familiar. "How do you do, Captain?" nodded that one.

I could see that she went north on the train, of course, but she'd be liable to suspicion and punishment by some of the members of the gang of that infernal Gaston. He has yet other men, I suspect, who may be watching the trains further on, and Mlle. Nadiboff, after saving you, Benson, from their latest death trap, might run right into their vengeance.

I want you to tell me just what part you thought I had in some affair against you. I insist; it is my right to know this. Your arm, my Captain!" As she spoke, Mlle. Nadiboff slipped her soft little right hand inside of Captain Jack's arm. Captain Jack took hold of that hand to disengage it. But Mlle.

Nadiboff can be arrested." "Hal," demanded Jack, turning to his chum, "when you were prowling about at the cave, did you hear Gaston mention the name of M. Lemaire?" "No," replied Hastings, shaking his head. "Then there wouldn't be any witness to confirm my testimony," sighed Captain Benson.

"Of course I cannot offer you a lift back to town," continued the Frenchman, smilingly, "for that would be ungallant. But Mlle. Nadiboff, who had the pleasure of your company out here will, I know, be most delighted at having your company on the return." "Assuredly," added the young Russian woman, with one of those charming smiles that had failed so utterly with the submarine boy.