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"An' it's little O'Malley cares for the law, bad luck to it; it's himself can laugh at judge and jury. Arrest him? Nabocklish! Catch a weasel asleep!" etc. Such were the encomiums that greeted him as he passed on towards home; while shouts of joy and blazing bonfires attested that his success was regarded as a national triumph. The west has certainly its strong features of identity.

In the mane time, we're at the Bodagh's an' have an eye about you afther what you've heard Nabocklish!" This, indeed, was important intelligence to Connor, and it is probable that, had he not heard it, another opportunity of disclosing his passion might have been lost.

"Ah, then, may I never av it isn't the ould 'Dolphin' they have launched for the cruise," said one of our fellows. "What's the 'Dolphin, then?" "She can sail, however," said Considine, who watched with a painful anxiety the rapidity of her course through the water. "Nabocklish, she was a smuggler's jolly-boat, and well used to it. Look how they're pulling.

'Now, will ye help me, for I couldn't say No, by raison he's a relative, an' an owld acquaintance, says he. "'An' how'll I do that? says the banker. "'Ye can tur-rn up yer nose at the securities. "'Ha, Ha, says the banker, 'is it there ye are? Ye're a deep one; begorra ye are. Nabocklish, says he, 'I'll do it for ye, says he.