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They ain't been no rest n'r hope f'r me, Marthy none. I ain't " "There, there, Tillie, don't talk so don't, dear! Try to think how bright it'll be over there " "I don't know nawthin' about over there; I'm talkin' about here. I ain't had no chance here, Marthy." "He will heal all your care " "He can't wipe out my sufferin's here." "Yes, He can, and He will.

"N'r you ain't the only one who don't know who that woman was. I don't!" "You knew he was planning to elope, though?" The man shook his head doggedly. "I knew he was leavin' the city for good, if that's what you mean." "No-o, not exactly. I knew that much myself. What interests me is this was he planning to leave with some woman?"

He questioned the detective so closely that that worthy was moved to protest. "Hot tamalies! Y'r auntie aint goin' to get croaked n'r nothin' like that, kid! Not with me here, lookin' after her. What's eatin' y'anyways? Everythin's ridin' along Jake, see. An' speakin' of eatin', s'pose we has a bite. I can give you toast, tea an' a Welsh rabbit or hot dogs, dill pickles "

'W'y, s' she, 'th' ones 'at found him out in th' woods where he got lost, I s'pose. But come t' sift it right down t' facts, not one o' them ladies c'd tell f'r certain who 't was 'at found that body. The' was such an' excitement 'n' hullaballoo, nobody 'd thought t' ask. It wa'n't Deacon Whittle; n'r it wa'n't th' party from th' Brookville House; ner Hank Simonson, ner any o' the boys.

"I reckon the Lord don't make n'r meddle much with these here little child's playhouses of our'n," said Caleb; and then he gave his consent to the promoter's plan. Singularly or not, as we choose to view it, the difficulties effaced themselves at the first onset.

Stone flared back at him: "What are you over here eating their bacon for?" "Not f'r any likin' I've got f'r 'em," retorted Bradley, "n'r f'r any o' their pets." The old driver got away without a fight, but he had little to spare. Van Horn rode off presently with Stone, and Doubleday returned to the house, where Kate was sitting with Belle.

They ain't been no rest n'r hope f'r me, Marthy none. I ain't " "There, there! Tillie, don't talk so don't, dear. Try to think how bright it'll be over there " "I don't know nawthin' about over there; I'm talkin' about here. I ain't had no chance here, Marthy." "He will heal all your care " "He can't wipe out my sufferin's here." "Yes, He can, and He will.

"You're goin' to get a square deal in this town, my boy," he said, after I had enlarged upon my story sufficiently to make it include my late experience with Callahan and Mullins. "It ain't any part of my job to bruise the broken reed n'r quench the smokin' flax. You don't look like a thief, and, anyways, if you're tryin' to make an honest livin', that settles all the old scores or it ort to.

No," reading the question in the superintendent's eye, "not a drop, Mr. Lidgerwood; I ain't touched not, tasted not, n'r handled not 'r leastwise, not to drink any," and here he told the bottle episode which had ended in the smashing of Flemister's sideboard supply. Lidgerwood nodded approvingly when the modest narrative reached the bottle-smashing point.

"If I remember right, he has a boy on th' force." "Goowan," said Mr. Dooley, "with ye'er nineteenth wa-ards. Th' Taaffe I mane is in Austhria. Where in all, where in all? No: yes, by gar, I have it. A-ha! "But cur-rsed be th' day, Whin Lord Taaffe grew faint-hearted An sthud not n'r cha-arged, But in panic depa-arted." "D'ye mind it, th' pome by Joyce? No, not Bill Joyce.