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When she died, the son was nearly penniless, except for the house, which was old and in need of repair. He rented that as soon as he received his call to Brookville, after preaching a humiliating number of trial sermons in other places. Wesley was of the lowly in mind, with no expectation of inheriting the earth, when he came to rest in the little village and began boarding at Mrs.

There were six persons missing, and it was feared that they had been drowned and their bodies washed away or buried in debris that had not yet been searched. Brookville was practically under martial law, and twenty men were driven out of the city after they were discovered looting damaged homes and buildings.

Solomon Black's voice, "I should hire a reg'lar reviv'list along in th' fall, after preservin' an' house-cleanin' time. We need an outpourin' of grace, right here in Brookville; and we can't get it no other way." And the minister's cultured voice in reply: "I shall give your suggestion the most careful consideration, Mrs. Black, between now and the autumn season."

He listened, as he strolled along, to the mysterious high notes of insects and night-birds; he saw the lovely shadows of the trees, and he honestly wondered within himself why Brookville people considered themselves so wronged by an occurrence of years ago, for which the perpetrator had paid so dearly.

The minister did not deny this. And the man spoke again, after a period of frowning silence: "What was her idea? Orr, you said her name was? in doing all this for Brookville? Rather remarkable eh?" His tone, like his words, was mild and commonplace; but his face wore an ugly sneering look, which enraged the minister.

Brookville was sick, despondent, dull, gloomy and impoverished not because of Andrew Bolton's crime; but because Brookville had never forgiven Andrew Bolton.... Hate is the one destructive element in the universe; did you know that, friends? It is impossible for a man or woman who hates another to prosper.... And I'll tell you why this is why it must be true: God is love the opposite of hate.

"There are," he stated, "other things which might be mentioned; such as the improvement of the village green, repairs on the church, the beginning of a fund for lighting the streets, as well as innumerable smaller benefactions, involving individuals in and around Brookville." The man listened alertly. When the minister paused, he said: "The young woman you speak of appears to have a deep pocket."

But a leaky roof was a commonplace in Brookville. It was customary to set rusty tin pans, their holes stopped with rags, under such spots as actually let in water; the emptying of the pans being a regular household "chore." Somehow, he found himself disliking to enter; his mother and Fanny would still be talking about the disposition of Lydia Orr's money.

I've often wondered what became of that poor little orphan child. We never heard. Like enough she died. I shouldn't wonder." And Mrs. Daggett wiped the ready tears from her eyes. "But I guess you'll think I'm a real old Aunty Doleful, going on this way," she made haste to add. "There's plenty of folks in Brookville as 'll tell you how stuck-up an' stylish Mrs.

The night was wonderful, and the young man, who was in a whirl of undefined emotion, unconsciously felt the need of a lesson of eternal peace. The advent of the strange girl, and her unprecedented conduct had caused in him a sort of masculine vertigo over the whole situation. Why in the name of common sense was that girl in Brookville, and why should she have done such a thing?