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Renee pronounced his name: 'M. le Comte Henri d'Henriel. He bowed to Beauchamp with an extreme sweep of the hat. 'Last night, M. Beauchamp, we put up vows for you to the Marine God, beseeching an exemption from that horrible mal de mer. Thanks to the storm, I suppose, I have won. I must maintain, madame, that I won. 'You wear your trophy, said Renee, and her horse reared and darted ahead.

Upon the tomb we still may read this legend: 'Jemisthii Bizantii philosopher sua temp principis reliquum Sig. Pan. Mal. Pan.

He drew her, tant bien que mal, from the life from a woman who's actually alive on this dull globe to-day. But that's the story." The Duchessa's eyes were intent. "The story-? Tell me the story," she pronounced in a breath, with imperious eagerness. And her eyes waited, intently. "Oh," said Peter, "it's one of those stories that can scarcely be told. There's hardly any thing to take hold of.

Up one incline was a shaft-house with a great gray dump at the foot of it. This they left behind them, climbing the hill till they came to the summit. The ranger pointed to another shaft-house and dump on the next hillside. "That's the Mal Pais, from which the district is named. Dunke owns it and most of the others round here.

"But I want you to do something this minute. It is strictly confidential business. I want you to go down on the lawn, or any other place where Miss Asher may be, and make yourself mal

"Je me tiens toujours fidele," he told Rothenstein, "a la sorciere glauque." "It is bad for you," said Rothenstein, dryly. "Nothing is bad for one," answered Soames. "Dans ce monde il n'y a ni bien ni mal." "Nothing good and nothing bad? How do you mean?" "I explained it all in the preface to 'Negations." "'Negations'?" "Yes, I gave you a copy of it." "Oh, yes, of course.

After one of the choruses Spontini beckoned me to his side and whispered: 'Mais savez-vous, vos choeurs ne chantent pas mal'; whereupon Fischer, regarding this with suspicion, shouted out to me in a rage: 'What does the old hog want now? and I had some trouble to pacify the speedily converted enthusiast.

As tu des gouts et des amusemens? Tu dois mener une assez douce vie. L'autre en deux mots repondait 'Je m'ennuie. C'est un grand mal, dit la fee, et je crois Qu'un beau secret est de rester chez soi." I was detained six days by contrary winds at Holyhead.

In the distance may be heard the plaintive drip-drip of many fountains. Roger, passing through one of the halls, and seeing Dulce and Mr. Gower standing before a huge Chelsea bowl of flowers, stops short, hesitates, and then, bon gre mal gre, goes up to them and makes some trivial remark that neither deserves an answer nor gets one.

"Souvent homme trahie, Mal habile qui s'y fie," he repeated musingly. He might have been saying over the motto of the house of Lorraine. For the Guises believed in no man's good faith, as no man believed in theirs. "Souvent homme trahie," Mayenne said again, as if in the words he recognized a bitter verity. "And that is as true as King Francis's version. I suppose you will be the next, Paul."