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Je ne sais, en me rappelant ce trait, si je dois rire ou gemir sur moimeme. Les Confessions, Partie I. Livre VI. Fair play is a jewel: and in such a case, a man is supposed to play against an adverse party hid in darkness. To shy at a cow within six feet distance gives no chance at all to his dark antagonist.

In the Rue d'Argenteuil, number 18, there is a small quiet house, in which Corneille, the father of French tragedy, breathed his last. It has a black marble slab in front, and a bust in the yard with the following inscription: "Je ne dois qu'a moi seul toute ma renommee." The great man lies buried in the beautiful church of St. Roch, where a tablet is erected to his memory.

Do not misinterpret my stopping at home for the present; there is not an atom of laziness or egoism in it mats tout bien considere je dois faire ainsi, parceque cela vaut mieux pour vous and I feel convinced that, later on, you will agree with me. Your WEYMAR, August 14th, 1860.

And there, too, half effaced by the damp, are fragments of inscriptions, which tell the same piteous tale of regret for vanished days and weary longings for the end that would not come. "Quand Mort me assault et que je ne puis mourir Et se courir on ne me veult, mais me faire rudesse Et de liesse me voir bannir. Que dois je plus guèrir?" Or this

Beside Jack's bed, on his little "table de nuit," lay the remains of his last meal, and an open letter, which we read. It was from one of his suspicious acquaintances of former days, and ran thus: "Ou es tu, cher Jack? why you not come and see me tu me dois de l'argent, entends tu? un chapeau, une cachemire, a box of the Play.

I set about my task in the following manner: The text ran: "Les procedes de cet homme m'outragent et me deseparent, je dois penser a me debarrasser." For this I substituted: "Cet homme a des facons qui m'offensent et me desolent, il faut que je m'en defasse;" and so on throughout the piece. When I had finished I slept for three hours, and then rose and dressed.

Dunbar's title of fame is not so light as this. He was one of the greatest of the followers of Chaucer, a master of melody, in some points scarcely inferior to the master himself whose praise he celebrates as "Of oure Inglisch all the light Surmounting every tong terrestrial Alls far as Mayis morrow dois mydnyght."

It says to us, "Thou art loved love; thou hast received give; thou must die labor while thou canst; overcome anger by kindness; overcome evil with good. What does the blindness of opinion matter, or misunderstanding, or ingratitude? Thou art neither bound to follow the common example nor to succeed. Fais ce que dois, advienne que pourra.

Oui, je sais, mais—” “Mais monsieur, je dois donc vous avertir tout bonnement que si vous entrez dans la ville, vous serezenfin vous serez COMPROMIS!” “Oui, je sais, mais—”

Je dois meme dire que nous avons tous ete frappes de leur extreme moderation. Pas une voix ne s'est elevee pour reclamer en faveur d'un ton plus aggressif. Le programme, retouche sur place par une commission de neuf membres, avait, vous le pensez bien, ete soigneusement prepare d'avance; toutes les expressions en avaient ete pesees.