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The hot sun shone on her colorless hair, which was drawn back from the plain face. "Ye air a-helpin' him with Tess," Ben grunted presently. "If ye ever wants me to come to yer hut, keep yer mouth shet, and let me and Ezy fight it out. Do ye hear?" "Yep." "Then scoot home now." Myra turned, and then stopped. "Ben," she called softly again. "What be ye a-wantin' now?"

As it happened, Lady Fermanagh had an engagement that afternoon, and Myra was alone when Don Carlos de Ruiz was announced. Myra had been doing some hard thinking, and she was feeling sure of herself as she rose to greet her visitor, who bowed low before smiling into her eyes. "I have called to offer my congratulations, dear lady," he said, in his deep, caressing voice. "Congratulations?

It might be Myra, or it might be some little lost child. Spurred on by sympathy, she bounded over a bed of dead chestnut burrs, waded through the water to the other side of the creek, and struggled up the rocks. Teola Graves, crouched in an attitude of suffering and despair, was seated on the gnarled root of a huge tree. Tessibel watched her for an instant.

"Then I shall decline Lady Ingleby's," said Jim with decision. Even during those wonderful days he went on steadily with his book, Myra sitting near him in the smoking-room, writing letters or reading, while he worked.

"Now for the mill," he cried, as their hands fell apart. "The Myra sails sundown to-morrow and I need to get a swift look around before then. Say, you folk have kind of taken me on a chance well, that's all right. I'm glad." Nathaniel Hellbeam was contemplating the spiral of smoke rising from his long cigar. He was dreaming pleasantly.

"I ain't been there with Ben Letts," she replied suddenly. "I ain't got no likin' for the brat's Pa's kisses " "But ye hev been to the ragged rocks," insisted Myra, settling back with a sob against the box where the child slept.

Myra shrugged her shoulders. "We were married six months after that. Jim has some rather well-to-do people over there. They were all very nice to me. I imagine they thought he was marrying money. Perhaps he thought so himself. He had nothing except a quarterly pittance. He has no sense of values, and I was not much better.

Mills was the man who sat looking at Myra across the table that winter morning when Hollister was suffering from the brief madness which brought him to Bland's cabin with a desperate project in his disordered mind. Well, what of it, Hollister asked himself? It was nothing to him. He was a disinterested bystander now.

Farnum began: "My Dear Myra: You will be glad to learn that mamma is really better not, of course, as far on the road to convalescence as we could desire, but comfortable enough to have had the wedding take place as appointed It would have been too bad if it had to be postponed; so unlucky, you know.

I can't explain to Madame La Branche or to Miss Myra Nell even as much as I've explained to you." "Some day will you relieve me from my promise of secrecy?" queried the old man, with an eager, bird-like glance from Ms bright eyes. "Assuredly. As soon as we have won our fight against the Mafia." "Then I will lie for you, and confess later.