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Around each cup was coiled a small, copper-coloured serpent, which gleamed here and there with golden spots; and directly in front of Muzio, a couple of paces distant from him, rose up the tall figure of the Malay, clothed in a motley-hued mantle of brocade, girt about with a tiger's tail, with a tall cap in the form of a horned tiara on his head.

Fabio tried to call him by name ... but at that moment he heard a window bang in the house behind him.... He glanced round.... In fact, the window of the bedroom was open from top to bottom, and with one foot thrust across the sill stood Valeria in the window ... and her arms seemed to be seeking Muzio, her whole being was drawn toward him.

His magnificent fortified palace was most elaborately decorated with rare marbles and priceless carvings, frescos, panel pictures, tapestries, tarsia work, stucco reliefs, and works of art of all kinds; here, according to his biographer Muzio, he maintained a suite so numerous and distinguished as to rival that of any royal household.

"I did play it, in fact; but I had been asleep before that, and I had even had a remarkable dream." Valeria pricked up her ears. "What sort of a dream?" inquired Fabio. "I seemed," replied Muzio, without taking his eyes from Valeria, "to see myself enter a spacious apartment with a vaulted ceiling, decorated in Oriental style.

Bononcini and Attilio Ariosti, his old acquaintances in Berlin, were also attracted by this new operatic venture to London, and their arrival was followed by a competition of a very novel character. The libretto of a new opera, "Muzio Scævola," was divided between the three composers. Attilio was to put the first act to music, Bononcini the second, and Handel the third.

But now do thou send me my serving-women ... and stay: take that thing!" she pointed to a pearl necklace which lay on the night-stand, the necklace which Muzio had given her, "and throw it immediately into our deep well. Embrace me I am thy Valeria and do not come to me until ... that man is gone." Fabio took the necklace its pearls seemed to have grown dim and fulfilled his wife's behest.

Muzio was less animated in conversation also; nevertheless both friends were equally favoured by the ladies; for not in vain were they models of knightly courtesy and lavishness. At one and the same time with them there dwelt in Ferrara a maiden named Valeria.

"I don't remember whether you smoke, Mosenberg," Lavender said after dinner. "Yes a cigarette sometimes," said the lad; "but if Mrs. Lavender is going away perhaps she will let me go into the drawing-room with her. There is that sonata of Muzio Clementi, madame, which I will try to remember for you if you please."

Several pack-horses were grouped in front of it; at the porch itself a powerful black stallion, with a roomy saddle adapted for two riders, was drawn up. There also stood the servants with bared heads and the armed escort. The door of the pavilion opened and, supported by the Malay, Muzio made his appearance.

Fabio sank down beside her bed, and never taking his eyes from her pale, emaciated, but already tranquil face, he began to reflect upon what had taken place ... and also upon how he ought to proceed now. What was he to do? If he had slain Muzio and when he recalled how deeply the blade of his dagger had penetrated he could not doubt that he had done so then it was impossible to conceal the fact.